Adult Sexual Relationships Chapter 9
Dating Many different levels of commitment Those with more free time (college students) tend to date more Traditional dating has been replaced by more casual dating, with less chaperoned time It is difficult to initiate dating, and this may worsen as people get older and have less ways of meeting people
Dating Dating is a way to discover and compare qualities in search of the best partner Dating has recreational value Dating provides companionship, emotional support, possibly economic support Dating changed on college campuses; more common for groups to “hang out” Hooking up, casual sex, and friends with benefits more acceptable
Interracial Dating Today’s college students include largest group of mixed-race students in U.S. history; result is big increase in mixed-race dating Blacks more open to interracial dating than Caucasians More exposure to white culture More Caucasians available Reduced pool of available black men College students prefer same race for long-term relationships
Sexuality in Dating Relationships In college, “hooking up” is becoming more common Some couples abstain from sex If one person in a couple is a virgin, they are more likely to abstain if it is a female virgin than a male virgin The woman’s past sexual experience more strongly predicts a couple’s sexual behavior
Breaking Up Person who initiated breakup often feels less distress, but guilt Some rejected partners become obsessive about lost relationship Social support important in recovering from a breakup
Cohabitation Researchers had no labels for cohabitation in U.S. Census until mid-1990s Over 70% of U.S. heterosexual couples cohabitate before marriage; a major increase Heterosexual couples transition to marriage within 3 years Some engage in serial cohabitation Longer cohabitation associated with higher divorce rates in heterosexual couples
Cohabitation Advantages: learn more about each other’s habits, share finances, mature the relationship Disadvantages: unsupportive family, cut off from friends Those who eventually marry are more likely to divorce; even more with long cohabitations Committed couples same chance of divorce as couples who marry without cohabiting
Marriage Most young adults will marry at some point In U.S., first marriage median age is 28 for men; 26 for women. The latest in recorded history Unmarried women outnumber married women for the first time in U.S. history Many factors (education, ethnicity, race) affect marital rates
Marriages in Later Life Most married older adults report marriages happiest in later years Those still married are usually happy, men more so than women Women typically care for a sick husband and lack emotional support Older men are twice as likely to remarry Women outnumber men in older age Older men tend to marry younger women
Marital Satisfaction Marital satisfaction factors For men: frequency of pleasurable activities done together For women: frequency of pleasurable activities focused on emotional closeness In general: self-disclosure, physical & emotional intimacy, personality similarities Quality of spousal friendship Ability to resolve conflict adds to marital stability
Marital Satisfaction (Cont.) White husbands highest marital happiness, black wives the lowest Married couples tend to be happier, healthier, and live longer Health benefits mostly for men Wives monitor husband’s health Wives have many role responsibilities
Sex Within Marriage Married couples report sex is integral to good marriage; men report higher sexual needs 40% married couples have intercourse 2+ times/week; 50% do so a few times/month Passion is high early in marriages, but slowly dissipates Most couples experience a decrease in intercourse over time, mostly due to marital pressures (children, jobs, housework, money) Positive correlation between frequency of sex & satisfaction with relationship
Sex Outside of Marriage Less than 5% of societies are more strict about forbidding affairs than the U.S. Almost all couples expect exclusivity Factors related to cheating: Stronger sexual interests Permissive sexual values Less satisfaction in their relationship Opportunities for sex outside of the couple
Sex Outside of Marriage (Cont.) 75% of Americans believed extramarital sex was intolerable 20% of women, 15-35% of men reported extramarital sex Process of developing an affair: Become emotionally close to someone Keep relationship secret Start to do things together; “dating” Sexual and emotional affair
Sex Outside of Marriage (Cont.) Married couples are the most deceptive about sex outside of the relationship Women more likely disturbed by emotional infidelity; tend to engage in emotional affairs; tend to have affairs when older Men more likely disturbed by sexual infidelity; tend to engage in sexual affairs; typically when younger 90%+ affairs due to emotional needs not met
Sex Outside of Marriage (Cont.) Comarital sex – consenting of married couples to sexually exchange partners Swingers About 3 million swingers in the U.S. Many support groups, internet contacts Swingers tend to be white, middle-class, middle-aged church-goers Often have “safe-sex” circles
Differences and Similarities in Gay and Straight Relationships Researchers have claimed same-sex relationships less stable in adulthood Most gays and lesbians had secure childhood experiences; connect fully in intimate relationships Same-sex couples more freedom from gender roles; higher levels of relationship satisfaction Without formal relationship status, many experience boundary and commitment ambiguity
Sexuality in Same-Sex Relationships Usually the emotionally expressive partner maintains the sex life, for lesbians & gay men Some lesbians have trouble initiating sex May be due to female social pressures Gay men have less troubles initiating sex and are more sexually active than lesbians May be due to longer love making for lesbians, biology, females’ comfort initiating, men use sex for expressing feelings
Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships Same-sex marriage isn’t linked to procreation, which the U.S. attempts to guard Same-sex marriages may be more unstable due to pressures of social disapproval Domestic Partner Acts – benefits are granted if a couple lives together
Same-Sex Marriage Defense of Marriage Act (1996) – each state can recognize or deny any same-sex marriages spouse is referred to as the other sex Same-sex marriage was available in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and New Hampshire as of 2010 Heterosexual marriage strongly linked to procreation, childbirth, and child rearing; U.S. has long regulated marriage to protect procreative health
Having Children or Remaining Childless Same-sex couples can’t get pregnant by accident; many become parents in a variety of ways Two thirds of lesbians and more than half of gay men interested in raising children Relationship quality is impacted by timing of having children Children decrease relationship time Married couples with children tend to have lower marital satisfaction than those without
Divorce No-fault divorce – makes divorce easier and more acceptable Covenant marriages – restrictive rules & regulations for ending a marriage Couples have many reasons for staying together, even though unhappy: children, religion, lack initiative Current rates suggest 50% of U.S. marriages will end in divorce
Divorce Divorce rates are highest in teen women and decline with age Early marriages have a greater risk of divorce Typically, divorce occurs early in a marriage; median was 7.1 years in 1988 Interracial marriages have high divorce rates Typically one partner wants the divorce (75% of the time female’s initiate), the other is shocked Economic conditions have led some couples to stay together
Divorce Reasons for Divorce Social Factors Predisposing Factors Relationship Factors
Divorce Social Factors Accessibility and low cost Equitable division of marital assets More acceptable in U.S. society Religious groups are less opposed than in the past
Divorce Predisposing Factors for Divorce Marry at a young age, emotional immaturity Marry because of an unplanned pregnancy Have more than five children Short interval from marriage and children Protestant (vs. Catholic or Jewish) No religious affiliation Prior divorce; divorced parents
Divorce Relationship Factors in Divorce Communication problems Avoidance, Demand & withdrawal Lack constructive communication Women feel unloved, belittled & criticized Men feel neglected and that they have incompatible interests, values & goals Both sexes reported loss of sexual interest
Divorce Same-Sex Divorce Little research on same-sex divorce One problem: Can a state not allowing same-sex marriage dissolve a same-sex marriage?
Divorce Adjusting to Divorce For some, it can be emotionally & physically painful Women have increased depression, men have poorer physical & mental health Older people experience more psychological problems Divorced people have less in common with their married friends
Divorce Adjusting to Divorce Financial adjustment is often harder for women Majority of divorced men and women remarry Men remarry at higher rates than women Couples in second marriages report higher relationship satisfaction in their marriages than do couples in first marriages