Pronoun Case Me, Myself and I
Me or I Use this trick! Say the sentence without the other person and see how it sounds? Bob and me travel. Me travel. Bob and I travel. I travel.
More Practice He gave the flowers to Jane and I. He gave the flowers to I. He gave the flowers to me. He is taller than me. (I am tall, but he is taller) He is taller than I. Me and Tory like to skate. Me like to skate. I and Tory like to skate. Tory and I like to skate.
We or Us? Can us guys go to the store? (Can us go to the store?) Can we guys go to the store? Us older boys carried the load. (Us carried the load.) We older boys carried the load. The coach gave we girls a chance to play. ( The coach gave we a chance.) The coach gave us girls a chance to play.
Who or Whom Who is the subject form and answers who is the subject of the verb? Whom is the object form and shows us who receives the action of the verb.
Practice For (who, whom) is the story intended? (Who, Whom) gave you directions? (Who, Whom) did daddy wake up?
Comparisons In some cases the comparisons are incomplete. To decide which pronoun to use , fill in the missing words to try the comparison. Todd is not as rich as ( he, him) Todd is not as rich as him is. Todd is not as rich as he is.
More Practice I believe Sasha is older than (him, he). Jim’s wife seems lazier than (her, she).