Sociology: Chapter 6-1 The Adolescent in Society “Adolescence in Society” Standards: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.11, 5.4
Adolescence in Society Concept of Adolescence: Present creation: Creation of Industrial Society Adolescence: Period between normal onset of Puberty and beginning of adulthood Puberty: Physical maturing that makes someone capable of reproduction *Ages 13 to 21 Has become phenomenon in past 40-50 years Three Factors: 1. Education 2. Exclusion of youth from labor force 3. Development of Judicial System
Characteristics of Adolescence 1. Biological Growth (80% develop Acne) 2. Undefined Status (not a child; not an adult) Read p. 122 “Blurring of Adolescence) 3. Increased decision making (College?) 4. Increased Pressure (Peers vs. Parents) 5. Search for Self (Prepare for future) -Who am I… Really? -Anticipatory Socialization: Learning rights, obligations, and expectations of a role in preparing for assuming that role at a future date -Dating, Part-time job, and school Culture can also have a huge impact
Societies with no concept of adolescence Ndembu of Zambia Go straight from childhood to adulthood Puberty Rite: ceremonies that mark the transition from childhood to adulthood -Demonstrations of Strength -Filing of the Teeth -Tatooing of skin Age 13/14: Can marry Carry Households
“Teenagers and Dating” Sociology: Chapter 6-2 “Teenagers and Dating”
Teenagers and Dating Well known in U.S. -Not a universal phenomenon Ex: Arranged marriages *Very recent phenomenon (Post WWI) Pre-Dating in the U.S. -Courtship: Express purpose is eventual marriage -very formal and structured -supervised by adults 100% of the time Past: Marriage: Timed by age at which a man acquired property necessary to support family
Industrial Revolution Casual Dating emerged at the same time as the Industrial Revolution -People move to city -Child Labor Laws -Free Public Education -Technology: Telephone *Young people had more time and were put into situations where they began to come into contact with other young people of the opposite sex
Why Date? Homogamy: Tendency for individuals to marry people who have social characteristics similar to their own Willer Waller: Dating was a form of recreation that has little to do with mate selection 1. Mate selection 2. Recreation: (Waller) 3. Mechanism of Socialization 4. Psychological Needs Conversation, Companionship, Understanding *Attain Status
Dating Patterns Traditional: -Responsibility fell to male (Ask parents; Money) -Ritualized -Structured rules -Set Activities (Movies…etc) -Began Casually -Moves to “Going Steady”
Dating Patterns Contemporary: Present -Teenagers more spontaneous -Male and female initiate dates -Relationships based on “group” Exception: -Court at 16: Boys -14 Girls -No Amish divorces yet Read p. 133: “Themes in Popular Songs”