MedWetRivers LIFE+ Naturaleza 2011


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Presentation transcript:

Natura 2000 management and monitoring programme for Mediterranean wetlands and rivers MedWetRivers LIFE+ Naturaleza 2011 Natura 2000 management and monitoring programme for Mediterranean wetlands and rivers

The geographical coverage, the organisational aspects, the level of details in the planning. 1 Institution involved in the project - Regional public administration (JCyL) - Public Enterprise / Fundation (SOMACyL & FPN) - National public authority (MAGRAMA & CHD) Geografical frame Wetland & Rivers SPA / SCI

The geographical coverage, the organisational aspects, the level of details in the planning. 2 The main objetives of the Medwetrivers LIFE are… To contribute to achieve the objectives of the Habitats & Birds Directive and implement it at regional level. To contribute to the integration of Natura 2000 network in various sectors and environmental legislation. To improve the social perception of the Natura 2000 network and enhance the value of Mediterranean ecosystems mainly across the participation of all stakeholders at regional level. And the key actions / of the Medwetrivers LIFE are… - A participative Management Programme of River and Wetland SCI/SPA in Castilla y León - A Monitoring Programme for inland water dependent habitats and species of Community interest in the Mediterranean biogeographical region

All the action in the plan have a estimated budget The level of integration of other sectors and other foreseen financial instruments (in particular EU). 1 How can the Medwetrivers Life contribute to elaborate the national PAF? The management plan identifies the actions that are necessary to reach the conservation targets in the Nature 2000 sites All the action in the plan have a estimated budget The plan identify the financial funds which allow the development of the actions and measures. Some actions and measures included in the plan could be eligible for EU co-financing JCYL Budget European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund. LIFE+ Private funds Financial instruments of the Plan

Facilitating the Institutional colaboration. The link with the official national PAF and the way they will ensure the implementation of the plan once ready. 1 ¿How can the JCyL support and improve the national PAF? Facilitating the Institutional colaboration. Making a compilation of target, actions & priorities existing on management plans for Natura 2000 sites at regional level. Providing information to national authorities responsible for the official national PAF Integrating the workshop group for PAF elaboration ¿How can the PAF be useful in the Medwetrivers LIFE approach? Providing information about different financial funds Exploring new ways to finance the plan

Thank you for your attention