“Normalcy” and Isolationism Chapter 22 Section 1
Americans struggle with postwar issues Unions/ striking workers Communism Tired and needing to return to Isolationism!
Measures Taken by Harding Administration Goal: To Maintain World Peace Arranged international conference Proposed a ten-year halt to building warships Proposed a disarmament agreement Urged passage of the Kellogg-Briand Treaty, renouncing war
Harding’s Ohio Gang Herbert Hoover Sec. of Commerce Andrew Mellon Sec. of Treasury Charles Forbes Veterans Bureau Albert Fall Sec. of Interior V.P. Coolidge
Issues of the Day Harding on Administration scandals Upset, embarrassed Ohio gang on Public service selfish, self-serving, disrespectful, dishonest Forbes stole millions of $$$ Fall made an illegal deal in Teapot Dome Americans on Harding Respectful, accepting, understanding, approving
Issues of the Day Americans on the Kellogg-Briand Pact Jubilant, happy, optimistic
The Russian Revolution 1917 Russia a mess Czar Nicholas II blamed Revolution occurs, led by V.I. Lenin and the Bolsheviks 1919 speakers of the Communist Party speak about worldwide revolution
How did the Justice Department respond? Launched raids against suspected Communists, socialists, and anarchists Arrested, jailed, deported suspected radicals Warned of a Communist plot to overthrow the U.S, government Police Arrest “Suspected Reds’ in Chicago, 1920 A. Mitchell Palmer’s Home Bombed, 1920
Why was the strike at U.S. Steel so unpopular? People believed the steel companies’ propaganda linking the leaders and the strikers to communism Violence had broken out, which alarmed a public that was still ignorant of the severe working conditions in the mills
Why did Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge become so popular? Called in the national guard to restore order, leading to the end of the strike Forced anyone involved in scandals to resign
Sacco and Vanzetti
Issues of the Day Americans on Immigrants Nativist, racist, nationalist, isolationist, negative
First Winter Olympics 1924 Chamonix, France Check this out!