Aravind Meenatchi Sundaram Saravanan Pitchaimani ISyE 6203 Project Dynamic Allocation of Labor in a Distribution Center : Staples Team Aravind Meenatchi Sundaram Anirudh Ramkumar Ajay Balan Saravanan Pitchaimani Siddhesh Wavhal Deepak Gahlawat
ISYE 6203 Project Staples is a global company with delivery and retail businesses serving customers in 27 countries With $25 billion in sales, it serves businesses of all sizes and consumers in 26 countries throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The Three business segments are: North American Delivery, North American Retail and International operations. Staples operates 1,872 retail stores throughout the United States and Canada, offering savings on more than 7,000 office products.
Project Background is an award winning e-commerce site that features 30,000 products ranging from basic office supplies to the latest business technology. With 29 fulfillment centers and a fleet of about 820 trucks, Staples is able to offer fast, friendly delivery throughout North America. Their DCs serves these fulfillment centers: Employs Associates as Full time and Contract basis. These associates work across 12 Departments and some of the associates are cross trained.
Project Background Departments Wave Replenishment Lean Replenishment Bulk- Full Case Reserve Bulk – Pick to Belt Bulk – Non Conveyables Bulk – Bulk Wave Bulk – Furniture Picking Break pack/ KIVA Picking QC/Finalizing Shipping Wrap & Label Returns Receiving Put away
Project Background
Current Associate Information Project Background Current Associate Information Full time $17.50/hr 8 hours per day Part Time $12.50/hr 6 hours per day Overtime $24 / hr Limited to 4 hr/person Only Full time Associated can perform overtime
Objective Achieve optimal staffing levels and labor allocation in their Distribution Centre. Maintain flexibility to serve variable demand that the DC faces over a year. Minimize Labor Cost
Methodology PART 1 ~ Over an year Optimal Staffing Level for each department over a year 1. Balance number of associates on Full time and part time maintained on payroll to minimize staff levels PART 2 ~ Over a day Using the staffing level obtained in part1, Determine the optimal labor allocation in a day 2. Divide the days work among various labor categories. PART 3 ~ During a day Using the optimal labor achieved over a day 1. Determine number of employees to be called during each period in a day. Period spans for 30 minutes Working hours vary by department Labor categories Full time Specialized Full time cross trained Full Time Over time Part time Associates
Deciding the long term labor levels Methodology: Using a Newsvendor model to Calculate the optimum number of labor hours to be employed per day, so as to Balance the over-utilization and under-utilization of labor, while Considering the variability of the demand for a period of one year so as to minimize the annual labor costs
Methodology Split the total number of labor hours to be employed between full time and part time according to a practical ratio between the them This ratio is based upon the no show probability of the part time workers based upon historical data
Problem Formulation For each department CU = Shortage cost = rate($/hr) in overtime – rate($/hr) in regular time CO= Overage cost = rate ($/hr) in regular time Critical ratio = CU /(CU + CO) We calculate the required labor hours, based on this critical ratio and the CDF of the demand data
Cost Calculation for each day If the number of hours is lesser then the critical value, then Cost = Critical Value * Regular time rate Else if the number of hours is greater than the critical value Cost= ( Critical Value * Regular time rate) + ((Hours used-Critical value)*overtime rate) Sensitivity Cdf for
Long Term Labor Allocation Tool Functionality Determines the long term labor levels for each departments Comparison of the existing labor plan with the optimized labor plan, considering similar parameters Provision for determination of future staffing levels according to a pre-specified growth %
Inputs Daily Demand Data for each department for a year Labor wage details Working hours per day No. of workers employed in the current plan Ratio of full time to total laborers Anticipated annual growth %
Output Optimized Labor levels Previous Labor Allocation Department-wise Cost Calculations
Results The overall savings that we achieved with this model is $0.1 million or 2% of total labor costs The optimized labor levels vary only slightly from the current labor levels This shows that the current long term labor allocation is pretty accurate and no major changes are recommended
Usability This tool is recommended to be used yearly or quarterly, according to the manager’s requirements The data required for this tool is readily available, hence there is an ease of use Input data would be fed from DOR(Daily Operating Report) in the same format
Limitations This tool is conservative. It does not account for changes in labor allocations done daily or weekly as per the demand forecasts which is considered in the subsequent model
Part 2 Objective: Using the staffing level obtained in part1, Determine the optimal labor allocation in a day Divide the days work among various labor categories. Methodology: Based on the demand forecasted for the day Linear programming assignment model was built in excel to determine the optimal labor allocation Assumptions: Productivity was assumed to be the same for all the associates Pay rate was assumed to be fixed for different labor categories.
Inputs CT -1: Cross Trained between specific departments Forecasted Demand FT Count PT Count Receiving 25000 13 10 Put-away 9 5 Wave Replenishment 3000 Lean Replenishment 11072 14 Bulk - Full Case Reserve 700 2 Bulk - Pick to Belt Bulk - Non Conveyables 5873 Bulk - Bulk Wave 7477 Bulk - Furniture Picking 600 Breakpack/KIVA Picking 10000 31 23 QC/Finalizing 7 Shipping 27207 8 Wrap & Label 1845 1 Returns 2000 Inventory Control 8000 CT - 1 Cross Trained CT Count Receiving/Put Away 4 Across Replenishments 3 Across Bulk operations Across BP/QC 10 Across Ship/Wrap/Returns Inventory CT - 2 Across all departments CT -1: Cross Trained between specific departments CT-2: Cross Trained Across all Departments
Part 2: Model Constraints: Objective: Assignment Constraint: Min Allocated Labor hours= Number of labors assigned * cost Assignment Constraint: For all department, No. of Full time Specialized Employee assigned = No. of Full time employees available Number of Cross trained Employees Assigned = Number of Cross Trained employees available No. of part time Specialized Employee assigned ≤ No. of Part time employees available Demand Constraint: For any department i, Number of Associates * Hours Employed * Productivity ≥ Demand Forecasted All Full time associates would be assigned . Trade off is established between the part time associates
Part 2: Results Achieved Optimal allocation of labors in a day based on the demand forecasted. Department Total Labor Count Receiving FT PT CT-1 CT-2 OT mins Put-away 13 1 Wave Replenishment 9 3 Lean Replenishment Bulk - Full Case Reserve 14 4 27 Bulk - Pick to Belt 2 Bulk - Non Conveyables 168 Bulk - Bulk Wave 71 Bulk - Furniture Picking Breakpack/KIVA Picking QC/Finalizing 31 20 Shipping 7 5 6 Wrap & Label 8 275 Returns 187 Inventory Control 531 116 47 25 1259 192
Part 3 Objective: Using the optimal labor achieved over a day Determine the number of employees to be called during each period in a day. Period spans for 30 minutes Working hours vary by department Methodology: Demand that occurs over the day is stochastic in nature , forecast is 95% accurate. 2. Each of the department is allocated various categories of employees based on its demand. 3. A full time and part time associate would work for 8 hours and 6 hrs continuously.. Input from Part-2 Demand incurred during the day is met. How many of each type of associates to call during each time period.
Part 3: Model Constraints: Objective: Assignment Constraint: To assign associates across different time periods Assignment Constraint: For all department, No. of Full time Specialized Employee assigned = No. of Full time employees allocated from part 1 Number of Cross trained Employees Assigned = Number of Cross Trained employees allocated No. of part time Specialized Employee assigned = No. of Part time employees allocated Demand Constraint: For any period i, Number of Associates * Hours Employed * Productivity ≥ Demand Forecastedperiod All Full time associates would be assigned .
Part 3: Result Input to the Model Output Legend Blue: Input Demand 25000 Assigned Workers Assigned Hours Full Time Specialized 13 8 Full Time Cross 1 Part Time 6 OT hours Output Legend Blue: Input Green: Output
Part 3: Result Receiving Putaway BreakPack Quality Control
Summary/Conclusion Optimal number of Full time and Part time associates to be employed over an year was determined. Excel models were built to determine the optimal number of employees to be ‘called-in’ during a day based on the demand forecasted. Also the assignment of the employees across various time periods during a day was arrived. This model assures better distribution of cross trained employees across department. This model can be used to dynamically allocate labors across days based on the demand forecasted
Future Steps/Recommendation Including the benefits provided for full time employee in their pay rate Accounting the reliability of the part time workers in terms of their productivity. Accounting for the cost involved in cross training. Explicitly displaying the benefits to each department that would encourage in cross trained worker sharing. Seasonal demands at the end of the year can be met by hiring additional part time associates. Determining the optimal number of cross trained employees would minimize cost while maintaining the required flexibility to meet demand.
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