5: January 14, 2013 Today: Label map (see board), notebook check Graphic organizer (Mayans). Homework: Finish chart on Aztecs/Incas Test Ch. 9 &16/Movie on Friday Permission slips
6: Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 Homework: Test Ch. 9 &16/Movie on Friday and finish Day 4 Graphic Organizer (Aztecs/Incas) Today: Label Native American groups (see board) Movie
7: Wednesday, January 16th Identify the following (Ch. 16) Sec. 3 Teotihuacan Obsidian Quetzalcoatl Huitzilopochtli Toltecs Triple Alliance Montezuma II Tenochtitlan Inti Pachacuti Quechua Cuzco Ayllu Mita Chasquis Quipu Machu Picchu Atahualpa
8: Thursday, January 17 Write and answer the following questions. Discuss some of the theories for the decline of the Mayan civilization. Which one do you feel was the most plausible? Explain why. Which Mayan invention/discovery/advancement do you feel was the most beneficial to humans. Why?
9: Friday, January 18 Today’s Agenda: Finish movie, questions? Review the 3 main groups in Ch. 16 Test Review Reminder/rubric: grade participation/conduct Notebook check (time permitting)
Test 1: Tuesday, Jan. 22 Ch. 9 Vocab. (see your notebook list: Day 2) Ch. 16: Read entire chapter Matching characteristics of the Mayans, Aztecs, & Incas Multiple choice on chapter readings 14 questions from video (10 multiple choice, 4 short answer) 50 Total Questions (2 pts. each)
Activity: Warrior and Animal Symbols The ancient use of warriors and animal symbols by competitors has not been entirely lost in modern times. On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of fierce animals/Native American groups that are used today by U.S. football teams (college and pro). Write the whole team’s name (example: Atlanta Falcons) Do not use a symbol or name more than once (Ex: Air Force Falcons, Atlanta Falcons)
Progress Report Participation Rubric: 1st, 3rd, and 5th 50 pts. per week (200 Test pts. Total per progress report) Points will be deducted for the following (per incident) Tardy -10 Unexcused absence -10 Disruptive behaviors/cellphone infractions -20
Progress Report Participation Rubric: 4th and 6th 20 pts. per week (100 Test pts. total per progress report) Points will be deducted for the following (per incident) Tardy -5 Unexcused absence -5 Disruptive behaviors/cellphone infractions -10