We are honest and professional with everyone we work with NHS West Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group Team Charter and Values We listen and learn and are willing to change based on what we hear We are open, transparent and accountable to our patients, carers and local community Ensure that our patients come first Demonstrate a genuine sense of caring & support Learn as a team and solve problems together Be accountable for what we have committed to do, demonstrating value for money and a commitment to excellence in the quality and safety of care Communicate honestly & openly Stick to our values and have the courage to challenge others if they don’t In Summary, We Will… We respect and care for patients, staff and all those that we work with We are honest and professional with everyone we work with
NHS West Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group Team Charter and Values This means we will… Lead by example and demonstrate role model behaviours. Co-design, and take responsibility and accountability for the development of healthcare services which best meet patient needs, as defined by the patient. Positively embrace and implement change. Work collaboratively with our partners. Have the courage to raise new ideas, make difficult decisions and challenge underperformance. Measure, share, promote and celebrate our successes. Be kind and considerate to our patients, our colleagues and each other. Take personal responsibility for our own development and keeping up to date with relevant information which allows us to commission services effectively. Treat others with respect and professionalism and expect it back. Recognise and acknowledge people’s efforts and good work. Be proactive in supporting members of the organisation in their decision making. Respect and take ownership of management and organisational decisions and professional standards. Recognise our strengths and weaknesses as an organisation, strive to build our resilience and continuously improve.