A guide to support the ‘at elbow’ workshops SEH ADG Pauline Porcaro The 14 Elements A guide to support the ‘at elbow’ workshops SEH ADG Pauline Porcaro
Course Home Page and Banner The Course Home Page includes a banner and provides the following information: Basic information about how the course is conducted Brief course description tagline How to get started Course Banner displaying full course title and code Resource: SISTER – Canvas course homepage & banner https://sites.rmit.edu.au/sister/2017/09/13/canvas-course-home-page-banner/
2. Introductory announcement Announcement created in Canvas and available in Week 1, includes specific current semester delivery details about the course for the current cohort. Resource: SISTER Creating a getting started orientation announcement https://sites.rmit.edu.au/sister/2017/08/10/creating-a-getting-startedorientation-announcement/ This announcement should include specific current semester delivery details about the course for the current cohort: Welcome to Week 1 Where classes will be held What areas of the Canvas course site should students look at first e.g. the ‘Welcome and Orientation’ module and ‘Assignments’ area What activities the students will be involved in during the course Emphasise the importance of completing the readings and learning activities, and how these build towards the assessments Refer to the importance of accessing the course guide for specific course requirements, such as assessment due dates
3. Course Welcome and Orientation Module Customise the welcome module in your Canvas course uploaded as part of the SEH template. The “Welcome & Orientation” module is an entry point for your course and should be available to students to access from Week 0 of the semester. It is a quick way to introduce students to the course and usually provides the following information: Introduction to the course with a summary of the purpose and structure of the course, including course learning outcomes. This could include a course tour (video – screencast). Link to the course guide NB. you must link to the current course guide on the course guide system) Staff contact information About the learning environment – Canvas in this course Course assessment checklist Brief description of assessment tasks Weight (% total mark for course) Course learning outcome(s) assessed Due date and form of submission Required textbook Where to get technical help Clear indication of the relationship between the online and face-to-face components Expectation for how learners are to communicate online and in the classroom are clearly stated Link/s to course and/or RMIT policies with which learners are expected to comply are provided Minimum technology requirements Resource: SISTER – Creating a welcome orientation module https://sites.rmit.edu.au/sister/2017/09/07/creating-a-welcome-orientation-module/
4. Course Welcome and Orientation Module Welcome video and links to Part A&B course guide to be displayed on the welcome page in the welcome module, uploaded as part of the SEH template. Resource: SISTER – Creating a welcome message https://sites.rmit.edu.au/sister/2017/08/10/creating-a-welcome-message/
Video link N.B. the ADG are offering help with videos or you may simply use the video tab in Canvas and record directly into it
5. Teaching Team Provide details of the teaching team on the teaching team page, uploaded as part of the SEH template. Resource: SISTER – Creating a welcome orientation module (https://sites.rmit.edu.au/sister/2017/09/07/creating-a-welcome-orientation- module/)
6. Canvas in this course Customise the getting started page with instructions to the students on how Canvas and other educational technologies are used in your course, uploaded as part of the SEH template. Resource: SISTER – Creating a welcome orientation module (https://sites.rmit.edu.au/sister/2017/09/07/creating-a-welcome-orientation- module/)
7. Course Queries Included in the template is a discussion for Q&A, customise the instructions with the types of questions, who will monitor the board and expected turnaround for questions answered. Resource: Canvas Community Guide – What are Discussions? (https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10727)
8. Course Schedule Provide a summary of the learning structure, which will help students check that they are on-track. You can use the syllabus tool or create a page within the welcome module. Option 1 Follow these instructions in SISTER to create a new table in your Syllabus area Resource: Canvas Community Guide – How do I create a new page in a course? (https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-13018)
8. Course Schedule Option 2 To create a course schedule page go to the Commons area: Search for RMIT Course Schedule Template Select your course and ‘Import into course’ Complete the course schedule page and embed in your Modules Menu
9. Active Content Menu Items The following menu items, at minimum, must be active in the navigation pane Home Announcements Assignments Grades Resource: Canvas Community Guide – How do I use the Course Navigation Menu as an Instructor? (https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12936-415263275)
10. Consistent Content Menu Structure The navigation menu is structured in order as per the guidelines in the 14 requirements for Canvas success. Resource: Canvas Community Guide – How do I use the Course Navigation Menu as an Instructor? (https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12936- 415263275)
Ensure you have at least these: Go to Settings Navigation tab Drag items up and down Ensure you have at least these: Home Announcements Assignments Grades
11. Content Presentation Ensure all links are active and point to the correct resource. Course content should have copyright attribution (source and permission to use). Resource: Canvas Community Guide – How do I validate links in a course? (https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12770-4152476605) Resource: Library resources and services for online teaching (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_iUg- N5upRTbVNXX3dfLUU1dUJ6ck5Iam1ORVVPZUV4OXVJ/view ) Resource: Library resources and copyright (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B29_c_dXl4pvY2E5a1RNQlFSMWVnR2pldlRFTk9xaHZsajlN/view)
Use menus to organise learning Option 1 - A simple menu
Option 2 - A more complex menu to meet your pedagogical needs
Basic presentation guide Learning outcomes at the start of each week/module Create a dialogue with students Possibility to embed slides (use Google LTI or Slideshare) Add transcripts to any recordings or videos (easy closed captions in Arc) Check all links are working References acknowledged
Copyright Using Library resources, and open resources can help avoid many copyright problems Adding Library Resources to Canvas OER - Open Educational Resource Copyright guides Copyright in Canvas Library guide DVD, YouTube, Film, TV Copyright info for staff Copyright library guide EASY CITE tool to assist with referencing http://www.lib.rmit.edu.au/easy-cite/
Flickr image from Canvas Figure 23 “Lighting of a fire” by Denise Krebs is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Video Attribution Videos in your Canvas shell should be acknowledged by the following methods: All videos should have a descriptive label and be referenced in an appropriate style. A Full Reference List should be available, either: A. At end slide in PowerPoint presentation B. If videos are embedded in Canvas include reference details at the end of each module.
YouTube in Canvas Here is how to do the attribution: Gough, P 2017, What makes art good or bad?, video recording, YouTube, viewed 17 July 2017, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNQVe4qgtx8>
Citing Creative Commons and Non Creative Commons Non-Creative Commons (need to register with eReserve): Style: Source: Registered with eReserve, Author, Year, Title, Type, Date Viewed (if online), <URL> Example: Source: Registered with eReserve, Statler, K L, 2016, NextGen aircraft cyber security graphic, pdf, viewed 1 November 2017, <http://aviationweek.com/information-management-solutions/cybersecurity-and-commercial-aircraft- delivering-leading-edge-techn> Creative Commons: Style: Source: Title (with link to image) by Author is licensed under the License (with link to license) Example: Source: Quetzscale by Matt Martyniuk, Mark Witton and Darren Naish is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license
12. Assessment Tasks Assessment tasks consistent with course guide are uploaded prior to Week 1 to the Assignment area of Canvas. Resource: Canvas Community Guide – Assignment Guides (https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10460-canvas-instructor-guide-table-of- contents#jive_content_id_Assignments)
Think outside the box with assessment - students may submit online, URL, text, or upload a doc
13. Essential Assessment Task Information Provide the following information with each assessment task: Description consistent with course guide Assessment item has a weighting Clearly marked assessment criteria (rubric or list) Due dates Resource: Canvas Community Guide – Assignment Guides (https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10460-canvas-instructor-guide-table-of- contents#jive_content_id_Assignments)
Good practice would include using the rubric tool although not compulsory
14. Style and Branding SEH template has been designed in-line with RMIT branding. Resource: RMIT brand identity (http://www1.rmit.edu.au/eve/brand)
Create your own banner
Canvas teaching resources SEH’s SISTER Blog The Canvas Help Options Canvas teaching resources SEH’s SISTER Blog
Thanks to the following academics for use of their Canvas shells as models for good practice: Dr Cindy O’Malley Dr Jeremy Keens Mr Vu Huy Mai