Vocabulary Links 7 2015-2016
BW 1.11 Pick up your new links sheet from the gray table on your way in Take out your Day 2 questions that you should have finished over the weekend Homework: Finish Day 3 questions if not finished in class Study Links 7
Non-fiction Not fiction; based on facts, real events, and real people, such as biography or history. Linking Story: A news article is one example of a non-fiction text.
Evaluate Judge; determine the value or quality of Linking Story: Ms. Lawrence must evaluate your skills with a bow to determine if you will make the archery team.
Inform Tell; give information about Linking Story: The purpose of the research paper was to inform the reader about whales.
Assumption Belief or acceptance that something is true Linking Story: The assumption in the essay is well supported by facts. The author assumed we already knew about the Cold War before reading.
Outcome The way something turns out Linking Story: We found the outcome of the problem to be a favorable solution. Homework: Finish essay brainstorm if not finished in class
Perspective Point of view; way of seeing things Linking story: I did not agree with the writer’s perspective. Even though we live in the same town and go to the same school, we could have different perspectives on certain issues relating to politics and religion.
Contribute Add to; enrich Linking Story: Jonas’ point of view contributed to our understanding of his community by allowing us to see and know things that many community members didn’t.
Relate to show or make a connection between two or more things Linking Story: Your essay will ask you to explain how a quote relates to two different texts. Homework: Finish text evidence scavenger hunt if not finished in class today
Analytical Writing Writing with the purpose of analyzing a topic, or breaking it into parts to look at more closely Identify causes, key factors, connections, purpose, and understand effects Linking Story: Her essay analyzed the key causes behind the events in both the Salem Witch Trials and Monsters are Due on Maple Street.
Expository Writing Writing that serves the purpose of explaining Linking story: His expository essay explained the process of building a birdhouse from scratch.
Quick Write How does the quote connect to Monsters are Due on Maple Street? Explain. How does the quote connect to A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials? Explain.
Root Words Auto—self Ped/Pod- foot Examples: autobiography, autograph, automatic, autonomy Ped/Pod- foot Examples: podiatrist, pedestrian, pedicure
Root Words Poli/polis—city, government Scrib/script—to write Examples: metropolitan, police, politics, politician, political Scrib/script—to write Examples: scribe, scripture, script, scribble Spect—to look or to see Examples: spectacles, inspect, retrospect, introspect, spectator
Spelling Words Cite—to make a reference too Sight—the ability to see Example: Please cite text evidence to support your claim. Sight—the ability to see Example: When his sight became so bad that it was difficult to see the board, his doctor recommended he get glasses. Site—the piece of land on which something is located The site where they are building the new amusement park used to be a shopping mall.