Digital Safety Night General Session March 21, 2017
Tonight’s Objectives: Schedule 6:30-7:00 General Session (Gym) 7:05-7:30 Breakout Session #1 7:35- 8:00 Breakout Session #2 Insights about technology use (devices) in LUSD Specific information about internet safety & digital literacy in LUSD Specific information that will allow families to better support learning at home with technology Ideas and information to help parents mentor children in the digital age Breakout Session Presenters Grade Level Room Digital Safety at Home Grades K-5 Cinnamon Johnsrud K-5 Rm 15 Grades 6-8 Officer Honeycutt 6-8 Rm 22 Learning with Technology Bevin Graham & Emily Dallosta Rm 14 Kate Langstrom & Becky Connolly Rm 21 Loomis Union School District
Intentional Instruction Technology in LUSD Robust Networks Teacher Training Devices Instruction Intentional Instruction Where are we now? Where have we been? Been: Teacher: Teacher Knowledge- 2007 Tiered Levels of Teacher Placement Sac Bee Article from 2007 Students: Computer Labs - limited use- seen as a separate event and not a natural tool for learning Now: Intentional Approach to Technology Roll out Teacher Training Comes first before any device is distributed Addressing the needs to the ambitious through digi classroom grants Opportunites for learning in after school PD Google Summit Google Certificatin Students Much like teachers need training, ss need digi citizenship Chromebooks in 2-8 beginning in 2014 iPads in k-1 Chromebooks- 1,129 iPads- over 100 Digital Classrooms over 30 applicants last year Future: Improve, refine instructional practices through technology Loomis Union School District
Technology in the Classrooms Chromebooks in Grades 2-8 iPads Grades K-1 Loomis Union School District
Loomis Union School District
Technology What’s Our Why? Improve Communication Meet the Needs of Various Learning Styles Increase Student Engagement Technology Provide Feedback Access to Support & Learning Resources Increase Access to Information Promote Independence Opportunities for Student Centered Learning Support Student Collaboration Flexibility to Differentiate Learning What’s Our Why? Schools must prepare students for jobs that do not yet exist, creating ideas and solutions for products and problems that have not yet been identified, using technologies that have not yet been invented.” -Linda Darling Hammond, Stanford University Communication Instant access to information Student engagement Collaboration receiving feedback. Promostes independence provides multimedia to address all learning styles ►provides interactive, student centered activities ►provides extra support and help resources flexibility and adaptability to Differentiate learning Virtual labs, trips Discuss the good -collaboration, 21st century skills, possibly this video- Examples of student projects --- Loomis Union School District
Our Guiding Question As our schools continue to innovate teacher practice and provide students with devices, how do we ensure students are thinking critically, behaving safely and participating responsibly in our digital world? Key Findings from Plugged in Parents and Teens and Tweens Common Sense Media Research Links Loomis Union School District
How many hours per day does the average American child between 8-12 spend with media and technology? Source: Common Sense Census, 2015 Our nation’s challenge and opportunity Children spend more time with digital media & devices than any other activity in their lives. Loomis Union School District
How many hours per day does the average American adult in the U. S How many hours per day does the average American adult in the U.S. spend with media and technology? 3 hours 5 hours 7 hours 9 hours Source: Common Sense Media Plugged in Parents 1.5 Hours on average for work. 80% parents report that they think they are good role models for technology use. Loomis Union School District
Student Survey Grades 5-8 What do you wish your school and/or teachers knew about life online for students? I wish that teachers could understand how mean people can be to each other online over social media. Teachers try to teach people about online bullying and stuff like that but what I wish they understood is that it's not that easy taking to someone about something that is happening to you... Because all of our teachers didn't have social media when they were kids, they don't know how it feels to really be bullied online when you’re a kid. Most of the teachers try to understand and they tell you what to do online, but they don't really know how it feels to be put in a bad situation. Sometimes situations are hard to explain to teachers, like if something weird happened online and you think about it during the day, and you can't focus. That sometimes happens to me, I try to focus more. Loomis Union School District Sometimes situations are hard to explain to teachers, like if something weird happened online and you think about it during the day, and you can't focus. That sometimes happens to me, I try to focus more. Teachers try to teach people about online bullying and stuff like that but what I wish they understood is that it's not that easy taking to someone about something that is happening to you... Because all of our teachers didn't have social media when they were kids, they don't know how it feels to really be bullied online when you’re a kid. Most of the teachers try to understand and they tell you what to do online, but they don't really know how it feels to be put in a bad situation.
LUSD Commitment We are committed to bringing technology into the kids’ hands, but we are equally, if not more, committed to teaching kids how to use it responsibly. What is our responsibility around safety when students use district issued technology? Ensure safeguards are in place to filter content Provide a framework for staff members to use a resource for digi cit training to widen the responsibility to keep kids safe With so many opportunities and perils using technology, there are two levels of safety schools and households should consider. The technology itself can filter and identify the needs and support of the users by filtering inappropriate content, and providing services for help & support. There must be a foundation of digital citizenship to reinforce the decision making and behavior of students using the technology. How do we ensure students are thinking critically, behaving safely and participating responsibly in our digital world? Loomis Union School District
Digital Citizenship Loomis Union School District Lessons cover the 8 themes The lessons “spiral” - some are taught two or three years in a row Several lessons are required prior to student use of devices Examples of Lessons from Students Identifying risky situations Thinking before self-revealing Protecting privacy Cultivating a positive digital footprint Communicating respectfully Building community Searching effectively Evaluating website credibility Respecting copyright and avoiding plagiarism Loomis Union School District
My Digital Life is Like... A circus because it’s very entertaining. Disneyland because it is a whole wonderful, interesting new world. Chocolate-I love it but it’s not always good for me. An ex girlfriend- no matter how hard I try, I can’t get away from it. A Tyrannosaurus Rex- it’s big, powerful, and it can destroy you. Loomis Union School District
Student Survey Grades 5-8 I wish that they would understand that the internet is not just this huge thing only used as a distraction from life or a huge waste of time. They need to understand that our technological advances have a huge impact on our community. On our lives. They provide answers on things that we may never had known before. It helps us connect with our relatives from distant lands. And, most of all, it helps us work as a team. I wish they knew how much it has helped me with my grades and it has helped me become a better student. Loomis Union School District
Resource Site: What rules and guidelines are in place at home? How do you model the use of technology at home? How often do you engage in conversations about technology with your child? How do you start these conversations? What purpose does technology serve in your home? Do you distinguish between mentoring and monitoring? How do you mentor your child’s online activity? How much should you monitor? Resource Site: Technology at Home Questions to Consider Loomis Union School District
Thank You