Trusting the Word II Peter 1:16-21 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
I. God’s Word can be trusted because its writers were witnesses (vv I. God’s Word can be trusted because its writers were witnesses (vv. 16-18). A. Eyewitnesses can share what they saw (v. 16). B. Earwitnesses can share what the heard (vv. 17-18).
II. God’s Word can be trusted because its writers were Spirit-led (vv II. God’s Word can be trusted because its writers were Spirit-led (vv. 19-21). A. Spirit led writers share something that is sure (v. 19). B. Spirit led writers share something that is God-sent (vv. 20-21).
Trusting the Word Do you trust God’s Word as being an accurate revelation of Christ? Do you trust God’s Word enough to apply it to every area of your life?