Welcome! Creating a Culture of Exploratory Talk Please take a seat Chris Luzniak & Elizabeth Statmore @pispeak @cheesemonkeysf
The Quality of Talk #1 predictor of effective group work
Typical student discussion
Two Goals: direct experience of some effective structures work time to help you implement exploratory talk in your classroom
Introductions Name Where you’re from — city, school What you teach How you use discussion in class Your goals for this morning session
Part 1 — Classroom Circles
The Goal is: true Exploratory Talk
Part 1 — Talking Points
Part 2 — Debating Math
Math-etation 3.1415926535897…
ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT ARGUMENT - a statement made with sound reasoning. Every argument has two key parts: CLAIM - the controversial statement being made. WARRANT - the justification for the claim. ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT “My CLAIM is ___________ and my WARRANT is _____________________”
ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Activity #1: Soapbox Debate Name, Claim+Warrant The best movie is ______. The most important math topic is ___. ___________is the best method for solving the system: ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT
Which problem shows the BEST mistake?
Always, Sometimes or Never? ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Activity #2: Circle Debate Summarize, Claim+Warrant Always, Sometimes or Never? Max gets a pay raise of 30%. Jim gets a pay raise of 25%. So Max gets the bigger pay raise. When you cut a piece off a shape, you reduce its area and perimeter. and are co-terminal on the Unit Circle. ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT
In the figures shown, the perimeters of the square and equilateral triangle are 24cm. The circumference of the circle is also 24cm. Claim 1: The area of all three shapes is the same. Claim 2: The area of the square is easiest to calculate. Claim 3: The area of the triangle is greater than the area of the circle.
ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Activity #3: Point. Counter-point. Would you rather….(a) Have crayons for teeth (b) Have spaghetti for hair Would you rather solve this problem… (a) Using a proportion “Find 45% of 80”(b) Making into a decimal and multiplying Claim+Warrant STEVE ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT
Feedback! One thing you loved today. One thing you… want to hear more about OR wonder OR want us to cover still OR need mentioned OR want to share that YOU do!
Contact Us! ELIZABETH STATMORE statmore@earthlink.net @cheesemonkeysf cheesemonkeysf.blogspot.com CHRIS LUZNIAK cluzniak@gmail.com @PiSpeak clopendebate.wordpress.com