The Great Rainforest by:Ricky and Michael
What Is a Rain Forest A rainforest is a place where 50% of the animals live there. Only 6% of the world is covered in rainforest.
Location of the rainforest A rainforest is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Rainforests are located in the continents of Asia, North America, South America, Africa, and Australia.
Emergent Layer The emergent layer is the very top layer of the rainforest. Some of the animals that live in the emergent layer are harpy eagles, monkeys, parrots, and butterflies.
Canopy Layer The canopy layer is the middle layer. Some of the animals that live on this layer are the boa constructor, toucans, frogs, spider monkeys, and birds.
Understory Layer The Under story is the second layer to the floor these are some of the animals that live there jaguars, snakes, quills, macaws,and lizards.
Forest Floor The forest floor is the last layer in the rainforest. There are lots of animals that live there like the anteater, tapirs, armadillos, dragonflies, army ants, anacondas, capybaras, and tarantulas. There is a stinky flower called the rafflesia.
Deforestation The rain forest are getting smaller and smaller. These are four reasons rain forest are disappearing. People are cutting trees for furniture. Miners need to make money by finding minerals. They put the rain forest on fire. Farmers need space for cattle grazing..
People of the Rain Forest People of the rain forest have to hunt for their food. They make weapons with poisonous dart frogs. If someone gets sick they go and see a shaman.
Save the rainforest