God’s Promise for the week “You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever.” (Ps 16:11) 2
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December 2018 MAGNIFICAT ISSUE is available for distribution tonight at the Auditorium.
TEACHINGS CMP 1 Part II - LSS 1- 48 Encounter with Jesus - LSS 1- 49 Road to Emmaus; Jesus in the Old Testament Sat., Nov 17, 2018, 1- 6 pm @ DMP Classroom
LSS # 50 Reunion For all LSS 50 Shepherds and Graduates Sat.,Nov. 17, 2018, DMP Library Lunch begins at 12pm; Reunion concludes with a Eucharistic Celebration in the Church at 4 pm (Sunday Vigil Mass)
2018 BLD Fundraiser: Christmas Journal Ads due November 26th Visit to fill out form & send payment online or download form and email to Contact: ME45 or Class Shepherds Fil & Hum Flores Full page $120 Half page $75 Quarter page $50 One Line $25 Double Page Spread $300
Marshaling Schedule Nov. 23, 2018 Management Apostolate
“...lead the many to justice...” DN 12:3b ORDER “...lead the many to justice...” DN 12:3b
DIRECTIONS Be a good witness in everything you say and do. Inspire others to do a regular examination of conscience and receive the sacrament of reconciliation.
Please maintain REVERENCE at all times while we are still in the House of God.