A Glance at the Past Year Pacific Region North Women’s Ministry A Glance at the Past Year
2013 Fall Retreat When did my life become a Detour? Speaker: Karen Ball Red Lion at the Quay, Vancouver, WA!
Fall Retreat Growing in God’s word
Spending Time Together!
Road trips!
Time to Relax and have fun! Farmer’s Market Evenings on the River
Women’s Ministry Around the Pacific Northwest Region Inspiring Women’s Ministry
Peace Lutheran Brethren Christmas Bazaar Olympia, WA
Community Church of Joy, Sammamish, WA
Hope for the Holidays Hope at Silverlake
Pastor’s Wives Retreat January 2014 Camano Island
Relaxing and Rejuvenating --Studying the Word Together
Mid Winter Regional Event “Mirror, Mirror” Hosted in Olympia, WA
Studying God’s attributes and Reflecting Him to the world. Worship Speaker – Linda Salo
Food and Fellowship
Women’s Self Defense Class Mexico Missions Trip Fundraiser
Word of Life – Women’s Retreat
Looking Forward to the Upcoming Year!!!
Women’s Ministry Serving Mt. Vernon’s Dinner for the Community
Resting Between Serving