TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT LEADING PRACTICE PRACTICAL STEPS TOWARDS ZERO HARM Speaker : Buyisile Breakfast Date : 15th March 2018 Venue : Kloof Mine
CONTENTS Myths about MOSH Methodology Brief Background of MOSH Adoption Traffic Management Leading Practice Conclusions
MYTHS MOSH is complicated and takes too long The system is too rigid It is not a legal requirement Leading Practices are too expensive Collision Avoidance System is the ultimate solution Traffic Management not an issue in my Operation
1. BRIEF BACKGROUND What is “MOSH” Why the MOSH Adoption System What is MOSH Adoption System
Why THE MOSH Adoption SYSTEM Facilitate Adoption of Noise Measurement Methodology The MOSH Leading Practice Adoption System was developed to assist the South African Mining Industry in its efforts to meet the Mining Industry Tripartite Occupational Health and Safety Targets and Milestones set in 2003. It was recognised that Mines would need to adopt new technology or practices in order to bring about the required occupational health and safety improvements.
WHAT IS THE MOSH ADOPTION SYSTEM A systematic approach for identifying leading practices in health and safety and facilitating its widespread adoption across the industry. Phase one Identify leading practices with the greatest potential to address the major risks Phase three Facilitate widespread adoption of the practice using a Community of Practice for Adoption Phase two Document the selected leading practice at the source mine where it is already applied
…WHAT IS THE MOSH ADOPTION SYSTEM A structured process that focuses on the “People” issues that help to overcome resistance to acceptance and ensures sustainability. Key principles: Talk to people Listen to people Work with Organised Labour Create individual understanding of risk Promote appropriate Leadership Behaviour
2. Adoption Adoption? Adoption of what? How? Why Adopt? What is a MOSH Leading Practice?
ADOPTION? Making ones own ! Like adopting a child! Eager voluntary conformance as opposed to reluctant compliance
A new way of working!!! Technology Job roles ADOPTION OF WHAT? A new way of working!!! Technology Procedures Job roles
how? By dedicating effort to change management and people issues over and above the other tasks to be done for successful project execution. Facilitate Adoption of Noise Measurement Methodology It does this through a process devised to ensure that the right people receive the right information in the right way at the right time within the right organisational climate and with the right support.
Otherwise its not accepted Otherwise it doesn’t last Why adopt? Otherwise its not accepted Otherwise it doesn’t last It’s the quickest and cheapest way to do it if you want it to WORK!!!!!
A MOSH Leading Practice Technical Details Behaviour Communication Leadership Behaviour
Practice Technical Details MOSH LEADING PRACTICE Leading Practice Practice Technical Details Leadership Behaviour
Practice Technical Details MOSH LEADING PRACTICE Leading Practice Practice Technical Details
Practice Technical Details MOSH LEADING PRACTICE Leading Practice Practice Technical Details
Practice Technical Details MOSH LEADING PRACTICE Leading Practice Practice Technical Details
Practice Technical Details MOSH LEADING PRACTICE Leading Practice Practice Technical Details
3.TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT LEADING PRACTICE Brief History of the Leading Practice Elements of the Traffic Management LP Traffic Flow and Risk Analysis
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LEADING PRACTICE Facilitated by the Chamber of Mines’ Learning Hub’s MOSH Transport and Machinery (T&M) Team Developed by the MOSH T&M Open Cast/Pit Industry Team (established in 2013) Open Cast/Pit Fatal Accidents Analysis: 2008 to 2012 DMR data covering 35 Fatalities in 34 Accidents Equipment, speeds, location, type of operation, probable cause vs. root cause, etc. Main outcomes: Fatigue and Traffic Management Planning Workshop with more experts: The Industry Team must deal with Traffic Management Develop a Leading Practice that deals exclusively with the Safe Movement of Persons and Vehicles
Elements of the traffic management leading practice 1. Traffic Flow and Risk Analysis 2. Mine Access & Mine Access routes 3. Mine Layout & Road Systems (Routes) 4. Pedestrian Movement 5. Contractor Operations 6. Contractor Hauling Vehicle Movement 7. Collection/delivery Vehicle Movement 8. Traffic Management Rules 9. Road Design 10. Road Maintenance & Repair 11. General Rules for Breakdown & recovery 12. Brake Test Ramps & Testing Points 13. Mine Site Design/Pre Planning Design 14. Parking Areas 15. Visibility & Awareness 16. Traffic Management & Supervision 17. Re-fuelling Areas 18. Maintenance Activities BEST OF BREED!
TRAFFFIC FLOW & RISK ANALYSIS ZERO HARM Risk Management approach: Traffic Flow Analysis: To review and enhance traffic flow and eliminate the risk of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian interaction by minimizing movement of vehicles and pedestrians and by maximum application of separation principles. Each mine is unique and the flow of traffic is different at different times Know what is going on with regards to the movement of persons and vehicles Know why such movement is necessary Eliminate, de-congest or separate movement
…TRAFFFIC FLOW & RISK ANALYSIS Risk Analysis: To proactively identify all hazards and unwanted events related to vehicles and pedestrians, with a view to understand the interrelationships. To develop and manage controls that will prevent the unwanted events from happening. Where unwanted events cannot be prevented, controls that will reduce the effect of the event need to be put in place. Based on mine layout and specific hazards Proactive approach ICMM principles of Critical Controls management applied for all hazards Focusing on practical unwanted events
4. CONCLUSIONS What will it take? Support for the Journey How to Register to Adopt
PRACTICAL LEADERSHIP TOWARDS ZERO HARM! WHAT WILL IT TAKE? PRACTICAL LEADERSHIP TOWARDS ZERO HARM! Establish an on-mine multidisciplinary Adoption Team Conduct a comprehensive traffic flow analysis Conduct a vehicle and pedestrian risk analysis Do extensive communication Conduct enhanced training for competence (not just knowledge) Monitoring of project progress and effectiveness
SUPPORT FOR THE JOURNEY Chamber of Mines Learning Hub Support: Principal Adoption Specialist + 2 Adoption Team Managers Knowledge & competence sharing on: MOSH Adoption; Traffic Flow and Risk Analysis Support documentation (Guides, presentations, Spreadsheets, etc.) Regional Community of Practice for Adoption (COPA): Peer-to-peer group Sharing of successes and challenges Accountability to each other Progress monitoring
How to Register to Adopt You are encouraged to register to Adopt on the MOSH website by following these steps: Go to Click on the “Transport & Machinery” tab then select “Leading Practices” on the dropdown menu Scroll down and click on “Read more” under Traffic Management Leading Practice Click on “Register to Adopt” Complete the online form and a confirmation email will be sent to you on approval Once registered, you will be added to the communications list for the arrangements of the Community of Practice for Adoption (COPA) meetings. Gauteng Merafong Region TMLP Launch: 18th April 2018