Sophomore Advising: Spring 2018 Sign-up for Group Advising using sign-up genius Please be prompt Update Graduation Requirement Form prior to appointment Review your academic progress on Degree Works Watch the Sophomore Power Point prior to your appointment
To Do List Before Group Advising: Update your four-year plan Check URSA account for “Holds” and your registration date Note: “Holds” prohibit registration Check for transfer credit accuracy
COURSE INFORMATION: Please click on the CRN number for specific course prerequisites, co-requisites, and information SCI 265 and SCI 266: You must register for the specific linked lecture (4 cr.) AND the lab (0 cr.). Click on the CRN for the specific Lecture/Lab combination. Submit both CRN numbers at the same time to register
CLD Information: TESL 101 is the required (0 cr.) application for CLD Endorsement Take TESL 101 with MAS 100 or MAS 275 TESL 101 Packet is available on Canvas or the Hispanic Studies Office located in Candelaria 0295 One full year of college level foreign language required (Spanish recommended) *Options: SPAN 101 and 102 (5 cr. each) or SPAN 103 and 104 (3 cr. each) Please take the Online Spanish Placement Assessment Additional Questions???? Hispanic Studies 970-351-2811
Where are your classes located? Check carefully for the location of your classes To ensure your classes are at UNC. . . Classes should be located in a UNC building with a room number DO NOT register for any class with: LOWR, LOV, OR COSP as the location DIST = Extended Studies: additional tuition cost
GPA IS VERY IMPORTANT! Courses with GPA requirements include: EDF 370 EDEL 350 PSY 347 2.75 cumulative GPA Prerequisite
Grade Replacement BEST Way to Raise Your GPA Complete form prior to semester’s drop deadline Form is available on Registrar’s website Information: Contact Financial Aid regarding guidelines Grade Replacement may affect Financial Aid and does affect the COF Stipend
Interim Registration 2017-18 Registration opens on October 2 No PIN required Final Notes… You can make an individual appointment after you have attended Group Advising if you have questions or wish to discuss issues privately. No PIN numbers are given in individual appointments.
How to Get Your PIN? Attend Group Advising Write down your PIN Register on designated date (earned hours-check on URSA)
Elementary Education Advisors: Jaime Donahue 970-351-1602 Liz Osborn 970-351-4287 *Advisors are located in McKee 216 and appointments can be made by calling the STE Office at: 970-351-2908