3GPP Liaison Report Date: 2008-05-14 Authors: May 2008 May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0629r0 May 2008 3GPP Liaison Report Date: 2008-05-14 Authors: Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks
Abstract Liaison Report for 3GPP May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0629r0 May 2008 Abstract Liaison Report for 3GPP Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks
May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0629r0 May 2008 Background TGu has been liaising with 3GPP for about 3-4 years starting with requirements advice to advertising our current work. Two principle groups: 3GPP SA1 : requirements 3GPP SA2 : architectures Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks
Liaison to Architecture Group (SA2) May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0629r0 May 2008 Liaison to Architecture Group (SA2) Invitation from 3GPP SA2 to share TGu work with them 11-07-2831-00-0000-ls-from-3gpp-sa2-to-802-11.doc Sent “TGu overview” response in January 2008, asking if this was of any interest to 3GPP. This included a special version of the TGu Draft 2.0, which was subsequently not distributed to 3GPP members for copyright reasons. 11-08-0189-01-0000-liaison-to-3gpp-sa2-regarding-joint-meeting-february-2008.doc Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks
New Liaison from SA2 : 11-08-0585r0 May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0629r0 May 2008 New Liaison from SA2 : 11-08-0585r0 TSG SA WG2 would like to inform CT1/SA1 that they have received the LS S2-083210 from IEEE 802.11u, including a summary of IEEE 802.11u, “Interworking with External Networks” and requesting recommendations in this area. SA2 was under the view that CT1 and SA1 normally perform specification changes in the area of Network Selection. CT1 are then kindly asked to help in the query by answering IEEE 802.11u questions included in LS S2-083210. Consequently, SA2 also believe that this is up to CT1 to decide to perform stage 3 changes in this area. Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks
Liaison to Requirements Group (SA1) May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0629r0 May 2008 Liaison to Requirements Group (SA1) The 3GPP SA1 requirements group was interested in the network selection work from TGu: Liaison about Network Selection in TGu 11-08-0136-00-0000-ls-CR-from-3GPP-SA1-to-802-11.doc Response 11-08-0137-00-0000-ls-from-802-11-to-3GPP-SA1-re-UE-access.doc Unfortunately they were looking for a secure method of sending state 1 data, which TGu/TGw could not solve. Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks
Next Steps within TGu Different liaison cultures between 3GPP and IEEE May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0629r0 May 2008 Next Steps within TGu Different liaison cultures between 3GPP and IEEE Timelines do not match Very frustrating correspondence What is the continued benefit to IEEE 802.11 of these exchanges Continue to discuss 3GPP liaison issues in TGu 11-08-0585r0 Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks Stephen McCann, Nokia Siemens Networks