Nursery Newsletter August 2016 Welcome Back and a Big Hello to our new pupils! A big thank you and welcome back to all our wonderful preschool pupils, who have been amazing in making sure that our new nursery children settle in quickly to the routines of our class. We are delighted to report that there has only been a few tears and it has been mainly the mums! Session Times Our Session times are as follows, please remember if you are late dropping off or collecting your child, we kindly ask for you to please enter via the school entrance to avoid disruption to the nursery session. Opening/Closing times are as follows: August 2016 Snack Money We are very grateful of parents/carers helping out with our snack fund each week, a donation of £3 weekly would be fantastic Session Opening Closing morning 8:40am or 9.05am 11:40am - 11.50am afternoon 12:30 pm 3:05pm or 3.40pm Clothing Please can I ask that all in-door shoes and in particular Eastfield Nursery jumpers have your child’s name clearly labelled as this prevents confusion in the cloakroom. Non-lacing shoes also help our staff to encourage the children to learn to be independent in getting themselves ready at the end of the session. We encourage the children to use our outdoor space for learning as well as playing and we go outside even when it is raining. Please can you therefore ensure that you dress your child appropriately for the day’s weather – wellie boots would be fantastic on a very wet day along with a waterproof jacket. Nursery Staff We are delighted to welcome back Mrs Love, who after spending time at home with her new baby is excited to be back working 3 days with her Blue group! Mrs Clelland, our new Early Years Practitioner will work with the Blue group on Mondays and Tuesdays before Mrs Love comes on Wednesdays. Mrs Ferries, our ASN, will help support some of our new children in Nursery. We are sure all the boys and girls will help our new members of staff settle in quickly w- t- @eastfieldschool
Jennifer Nicholson, Nursery Class Teacher & the Nursery Team Nursery Newsletter August 2016 How to find out what’s happening in the Nursery class Please visit our nursery class blog, as I will ensure that it is regularly updated with Photographs and information about our nursery learning activities The blog can be accessed directly from the following link: Or by simply typing ‘Eastfield School and Nursery Class, Cumbernauld’ into your search engine. Or don’t forget in the cloakroom our TV screen is always updated with information and our digital photo frame is changed every month. Any Questions? If you have any questions about the nursery or our service, please do not hesitate to ask. We would be delighted to help answer any questions you may have! Sharing Information Preschool pupils – if your child has any changes in medical information since the last session, please can you ensure that you inform your child’s key-worker. Don’t forget when collecting your child to look at our TV screen for important information. This will also be placed on our class blog to ensure working parents are kept informed too! Dates for your Diary Monday 5th September – Orthoptic Screening, eyesight test (Preschool Pupils Only) Friday 23rd September and Monday 26th Spetember, Holiday Weekend, nursery closed. Kind regards, Jennifer Nicholson, Nursery Class Teacher & the Nursery Team