Domestic Violence Dr. Audrey Dupree-Sealey, PhD, FNP Assistant Director/ Trauma Coordinator Kings County Hospital Center.


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Presentation transcript:

Domestic Violence Dr. Audrey Dupree-Sealey, PhD, FNP Assistant Director/ Trauma Coordinator Kings County Hospital Center

What should I know about domestic violence? Violence against a partner or a child is a crime in all states. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of every 4 women and 1 out of every 9 men in the United States are victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives. Abuse happens to people of all races, ages, incomes and religions. People who are hurt by their partners, parents or guardians do not cause the abuse. Alcohol and drugs do not cause abuse, although they can make the violence worse. Abuse can begin, continue and even increase during pregnancy. Violence against a partner or a child is a crime in all states. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of every 4 women and 1 out of every 9 men in the United States are victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives. Abuse happens to people of all races, ages, incomes and religions. People who are hurt by their partners, parents or guardians do not cause the abuse. Alcohol and drugs do not cause abuse, although they can make the violence worse. Abuse can begin, continue and even increase during pregnancy.

What can I do if my children or I am abused? First, make sure you and your children are safe. Go to a safe place, such as the home of a friend or relative or an emergency shelter. Take your children with you. Call the police if you think you can't leave home safely or if you want to bring charges against your abuser. If possible, take house keys, money and important papers with you. Do not use drugs or alcohol at this time because you need to be alert in a crisis. The staff members at emergency shelters can help you file for a court order of protection. First, make sure you and your children are safe. Go to a safe place, such as the home of a friend or relative or an emergency shelter. Take your children with you. Call the police if you think you can't leave home safely or if you want to bring charges against your abuser. If possible, take house keys, money and important papers with you. Do not use drugs or alcohol at this time because you need to be alert in a crisis. The staff members at emergency shelters can help you file for a court order of protection.

What are other ways I can get help if I am abused? Talk to your doctor, who can treat any medical problem, provide support and make referrals. Call an emergency shelter and ask about counseling and support groups for you and your children. Nurses, social workers and other health care professionals can also help you. Talk to your doctor, who can treat any medical problem, provide support and make referrals. Call an emergency shelter and ask about counseling and support groups for you and your children. Nurses, social workers and other health care professionals can also help you.

Teen Dating Violence Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime. Dating violence often starts with teasing and name calling. These behaviors are often thought to be a normal part of a relationship. But these behaviors can lead to more serious violence like physical assault and rape. Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime. Dating violence often starts with teasing and name calling. These behaviors are often thought to be a normal part of a relationship. But these behaviors can lead to more serious violence like physical assault and rape.

What is dating violence? Teen dating violence [PDF 292KB] is defined as the physical, sexual, or psychological/emotional violence within a dating relationship. You may have heard several different words used to describe teen dating violence. Here are just a few: Teen dating violence [PDF 292KB] is defined as the physical, sexual, or psychological/emotional violence within a dating relationship. You may have heard several different words used to describe teen dating violence. Here are just a few: Teen dating violence [PDF 292KB] Teen dating violence [PDF 292KB]

Teen & Adult Relationship Abuse Relationship Abuse Intimate Partner Violence Intimate Partner Violence Relationship Violence Relationship Violence Dating Abuse Dating Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic Violence Domestic Violence

What are the consequences of dating violence? As teens develop emotionally, they are heavily influenced by their relationship experiences. Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teens emotional development. Unhealthy, abusive or violent relationships can cause short term and long term negative effects, or consequences to the developing teen. Victims of teen dating violence are more likely to do poorly in school, and report binge drinking, suicide attempts, and physical fighting. Victims may also carry the patterns of violence into future relationships As teens develop emotionally, they are heavily influenced by their relationship experiences. Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teens emotional development. Unhealthy, abusive or violent relationships can cause short term and long term negative effects, or consequences to the developing teen. Victims of teen dating violence are more likely to do poorly in school, and report binge drinking, suicide attempts, and physical fighting. Victims may also carry the patterns of violence into future relationships

Why Does Dating Violence Happen? Treat others with respect. This idea may seem like common sense but the truth is, quite a few teens are involved in violent relationships. And many think it's justified. After all, society seems to be okay with it, just look at all the TV shows and listen to popular songs these days. Violence is never acceptable. But there are reasons why it happens. Treat others with respect. This idea may seem like common sense but the truth is, quite a few teens are involved in violent relationships. And many think it's justified. After all, society seems to be okay with it, just look at all the TV shows and listen to popular songs these days. Violence is never acceptable. But there are reasons why it happens.

Violence is related to certain risk factors. Risks of having unhealthy relationships increase for teens who: Violence is related to certain risk factors. Risks of having unhealthy relationships increase for teens who: Believe it's okay to use threats or violence to get their way or to express frustration or anger. Believe it's okay to use threats or violence to get their way or to express frustration or anger. Use alcohol or drugs. Use alcohol or drugs. Can't manage anger or frustration. Can't manage anger or frustration. Hang out with violent peers. Hang out with violent peers. Have a friend involved in dating violence. Have a friend involved in dating violence. Have low self-esteem or are depressed. Have low self-esteem or are depressed. Have learning difficulties and other problems at school. Have learning difficulties and other problems at school. Don't have parental supervision and support. Don't have parental supervision and support. Witness violence at home or in the community. Witness violence at home or in the community. Have a history of aggressive behavior or bullying. Have a history of aggressive behavior or bullying.

Dating violence can be prevented when teens, families, organizations, and communities work together to implement effective prevention strategies. Dating violence can be prevented when teens, families, organizations, and communities work together to implement effective prevention strategies. The following resources provide more information on teen dating violence. The following resources provide more information on teen dating violence.

Elder abuse

Statics on elder abuse

Abuse and neglect of elders Abuse and neglect of elders is one of those topics that everyone knows about but hardly any one talks about. It is somewhat like art in that you can't define precisely but you know it when you see it. One definition is that is elder abuse is doing something or failing to do something that results in harm to an elderly person or puts a helpless older person at risk of harm. This includes: Abuse and neglect of elders is one of those topics that everyone knows about but hardly any one talks about. It is somewhat like art in that you can't define precisely but you know it when you see it. One definition is that is elder abuse is doing something or failing to do something that results in harm to an elderly person or puts a helpless older person at risk of harm. This includes:

Types of abuse physical, sexual and emotional abuse physical, sexual and emotional abuse neglecting or deserting an older person you are responsible for neglecting or deserting an older person you are responsible for taking or misusing an elderly person's money or property taking or misusing an elderly person's money or property

Domestic Violence hurts everyone

Optimal Aging - the art of blooming where you're planted! Optimal Aging - the art of blooming where you're planted!

See my Pain

Stop the Madness

References you may find useful: The National Center on Elder Abuse The National Center on Elder Abuse The National Center on Elder Abuse The National Center on Elder Abuse MedlinePlus MedlinePlus MedlinePlus Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect The Faces of Elder Abuse The Faces of Elder Abuse The Faces of Elder Abuse The Faces of Elder Abuse

Hotlines: National Domestic Violence Hotline National Domestic Violence Hotline National Domestic Violence Hotline National Domestic Violence Hotline National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline National Sexual Assault Hotline National Sexual Assault Hotline National Sexual Assault Hotline National Sexual Assault Hotline National Sexual Assault Online Hotline National Sexual Assault Online Hotline National Sexual Assault Online Hotline National Sexual Assault Online Hotline

Other Organizations National Coalition Against Domestic Violence National Coalition Against Domestic Violence National Coalition Against Domestic Violence National Coalition Against Domestic Violence National Domestic Violence Hotline National Domestic Violence Hotline National Domestic Violence Hotline National Domestic Violence Hotline

Additional CDC Resources: CDC TV presents Break the Silence: Stop the Violence In "Break The Silence: Stop the Violence," parents talk with teens about developing healthy, respectful relationships before they start dating. CDC TV presents Break the Silence: Stop the Violence In "Break The Silence: Stop the Violence," parents talk with teens about developing healthy, respectful relationships before they start dating. CDC TV presents Break the Silence: Stop the Violence CDC TV presents Break the Silence: Stop the Violence