Welcome to English 10H! Block 4 – Room 236 – Mrs. Deker
How to Connect I use Remind.com to communicate with classes about assignments, assessments, and other class-related information. OUR CLASS CODE: text @pfhseng10h to 81010
How to Connect I am also using Google Classroom to give assignments, assessments, homework, and post other class-related information. Pull out your cell phone and open your LCPS GO app (not Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.) Go to Google Google Classroom Log in using the following info: Username: studentID@locker.lcps.org Password: same as your LEAD password for logging onto computer
Click the “+” symbol in the upper right. How to Connect You will see a screen like this if you have joined any classes. If not, it will be all blank! Click the “+” symbol in the upper right.
How to Connect Click “Join class.”
In the box for class code, type hivlki How to Connect In the box for class code, type hivlki
You should now see our class homepage! How to Connect You should now see our class homepage!
Our Syllabus Class Policies and Procedures
You can find our syllabus in two places on our class website: - An announcement made today - In the “about” section
Your First Homework Assignment! Complete the Syllabus Quiz by Monday morning!
Getting To Know You
Right now, complete the Student Inventory using your phone! Getting to Know You Right now, complete the Student Inventory using your phone!