Nature of Slovakia
Abiotic nature
Lakes, Rivers, tarns and mineral waters Slovak rivers flow mainly to the Black and the Baltic Sea. The longest river is Váh and the most important is Danube. Lakes Sunny Lakes, Golden sands and Duchonka are the best known natural lakes in Slovakia. Tarns They appear only in the High Tatras area. Veľké Hincovo Tarn is the largest and the deepest natural tarn in Slovakia. Mineral waters Slovakia is very rich in mineral and thermal water springs. They offer curative treatments of different diseases as well as relax and wellness services – there are many spas. (Turčianske Teplice, Bardejovské kúpele or Číž) Waterfalls Waterfalls in Slovakia are rare – they appear mainly in Slovak Paradise. Waterfalls in Slovak Paradise
Štrbské pleso
Caves Slovakia has more than 4,000 caves and caverns but only 12 of them are opened to the public. Caves in Slovakia are mainly livestone, but there are also 2 ice caves and one aragonite cave (from 3 aragonit caves opened in Europe). Caves are used as the treatment of allergies and other respiratory disorders – speleotherapy. The most interesting caves are Ochtinská Aragonite Cave, Dobšinská Ice Cave, Domica Cave, Gombasecká Cave. Ochtinská Aragonite Cave Dobšinská Ice Cave
Mountains Slovakia is mountainous country – the distinguished mountains are High and Low Tatras, Great Fatra, Lesser Fatra, Slovak paradise and Poloniny. The highest peak in Slovakia is Gerlachovský peak -2,655 m. The only volcano in middle Europe – Poľana. Gerlachovský peak Poľana
National parks 1, High Tatras National Park 2, Low Tatras National Park 3, Slovak Paradise National Park 4, Greater Fatra National Park 5, Lesser Fatra National Park 6, Muráň Plain National Park 7, Slovak Karst National Park 8, Poloniny National Park 9, Pieniny National Park
Living nature
Fauna (Animals) Domestic animals: cats, dogs, cattle, chickens quail Fauna (Animals) Domestic animals: cats, dogs, cattle, chickens Wild animals: Forest animals: bears, wolves, foxes, lynxes, hogs, rodents and insect, squirrels Water animals: fish (carps, trouts, crayfish) frogs and turtles. Flying animals: eagles, quails, falcons, storks Dangerous animals: carnivores, infected insect, poisonous snake and animals infected with rabies bear lynx hog wolf
Flora (Plants, trees and other green things) 3124 species of vascular plants and even more species of grasses, mushrooms, mosses and lichens (which is more than for example in the six times bigger territory of Poland. Endemic species (living only in bounded territories): Pulsatilla slavica Alpine aster Lime tree is a symbol of Slavs. Pulsatilla slavica Alpine aster
Forests 40% of Slovakia are forests. Only Sweden and Austria are woodier in Europe. In the height above the sea level of 1,500 m is upper forest border. Forest´s Degrees in Slovakia: Oak (100 – 450m) – lowland Beech (450 – 880m) (The majority of the forests in Slovakia are beech forests.) Fir – beech (650 – 1,050m) Spruce – fir – beech (850 – 1,300m) Spruce (1,100 – 1,550m) Dwarf pine (1,450 – 1,900m) Special forests are flood forests near rivers. Higher above the spruce forests on the little fertile soils grows only scrub, and there are also high mountain meadows. Flood forests
Protected and endangered species chamois All of the endangered species are contained in the Red List. 769 is the total number of protected species living in the Slovak territory. For example: Deroceras fatrense, Tatra chamois, marmot and Eurasian Great bustard (biggest flying bird living in the European territory), bison, hoofed animals and horse breeding. 55 species are endangered: The chamois, Andromeda polifolia, the Eastern Imperial Eagle marmot Andromeda polifolia great bustard Eastern Imperial Eagle
Natural UNESCO heritage Slovakia has 7 sights inscribed in the World Heritage List and 2 of them are natural. Caves in the Slovak Karst: Dobšinská Ice Cave Domica Cave Gombasecká Cave Jasovská Cave Ochtinská Aragonite Cave Primeval beech forests in Poloniny National Park and Vihorlat Mountains (Havešová, Stužica, Rožok and Kyjovský Forest) Poloniny
Sources: Text: Pictures: =1405 Pictures: w=article&id=239:endangered-species- slovakia&catid=54:eco-calendar&Itemid=77
Ivana Monková Tomáš Turlík 3.B