The World After WWI 2/23/2019 Bennifield
STANDARD SS6H7 The student will explain conflict and change in Europe to the 21st century. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did the Treaty of Versailles impact Europe in the years between WWI and WWII? 2/23/2019 Bennifield
World War I had a profound effect on world history. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
Europe suffered terrible destruction, and nearly 22 million soldiers and civilians died. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
The results of this conflict ultimately led to economic crises, radical changes in government, and a decline in the power of many European countries. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES 2/23/2019 Bennifield
The treaty that ended World War I was known as the Treaty of Versailles. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
Signed in Versailles, France in 1919, it forced Germany to accept blame for the war. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
Give up one million square miles of land after the war. 1 Give up one million square miles of land after the war. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
Some of the land had been seized by Germany prior to the war. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
Much of the land that was lost was rich in natural resources that could have been used to generate income. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
2 Accept full responsibility for causing the war and pay reparations to other countries for the losses and damage they had suffered. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
This was difficult because Germany had to rebuild its own economy and country too. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
3 Limit its armed forces and stop production of nearly all war materials. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
It was also prohibited from uniting with Austria. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
Germans greatly resented the restrictions put on it by the Treaty of Versailles, and began to rise up in protest as economic conditions worsened. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
Germany also became isolated from and distrusted by other countries. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
The Treaty of Versailles also created the League of Nations, a group of nations that vowed to work together to ensure that a world war would never occur again. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
The United States Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles and never became a member of the League of Nations. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
The League turned out to be weak because it had no enforcement powers. 2/23/2019 Bennifield
Taking full blame for WWI SPECIFIC TERMS Taking full blame for WWI Paying $31.4 Million dollars to the allies which is equivalent to $442 Billion in 2013. No more than 100,000 troops No submarines Only 6 battleships, 6 cruisers, 12 destroyers, and 12 torpedo boats No machine gun manufacturing Sacrifice Alsace and Lorraine to France Demilitarization of Rhineland 2/23/2019 Bennifield