BALANCING SENTENCE PARTS Parallelism & Wordiness
Faulty Parallelism Having dinner and to go to the mall were two things she liked to do with her friends. Having dinner and going to the mall were two things she liked to do with her friends. To have dinner and to go to the mall were two things she liked to do with her friends. Two things she enjoyed doing with her friends were having dinner and going to the mall.
Coordinating Conjunctions These words signal parallel structure. For And Nor But Or Yet So
Combination Words Either/Or Neither/Nor Not only/But also Both/And Whether/Or “Either we will win this game, but we went out fighting.”
Wordiness At the present time, I do not like my job. It is clear that every thing I say is correct. Due to the fact that students tend to use this phrase, I’ve had to ban it from their writing. I felt inside that I had no feelings outside. I personally feel that this is too impersonal. My past experience has shown me that this never works. In this day and age, students write as if they were old farts.