SoCal Voice Regional Data manager Webinar January 25, 2018
Agenda Meeting Organization Submission of agenda items Meeting frequency Lead Data Manager (national) Update Quality Improvement Projects Hashtag (#) for quality projects Data Management Issues Data Accuracy Definitions, consistency of reporting Reporting modalities—what’s recorded Data utilization Open Forum SoCal Voice Meeting: May 4, 2018 Laguna Beach, CA (Prior to Southern California Vascular Society Annual Meeting May 5-6, 2018)
Lead Data Manager (national) Update Call for VQI@VAM: IRR Case Studies Regional meeting DM breakout sessions at VAM: June 20-23, 2018 Boston, MA Regional meeting planning: contents/logistics 30 Day Readmission (Next slide)
30 Day Readmission Data point requested by many organizations Discussion Voluntary vs mandatory collection Tie to participation awards Pilot a single registry, then expand and standardize 30D post discharge vs 30D post procedure Reason for readmission Planned, unplanned, related, unrelated to index procedure Align reason for readmission with NSQIP (dependent variables) Wound occurrences (SSI), respiratory (PNA, prolonged intubation), UTI, CNS occurrences (stroke/TIA), cardiac (MI/cardiac arrest) Collection time frame 120days Data point suggestions Keep it simple! Expand source responses (EMR query)—learn where the data comes from Retain lost to follow up option Include a text box for comments Provide a push report for “who’s due” Provide multiple filter options for data Understand the data—what’s in/what’s out
Quality Improvement Hashtags (#) Use for specific short term QI projects Reduces cost and delay associated with adding registry variables Entered into the comment section Specific format required Limited only by space Can be in procedure or long term follow-up Available in Procedure and follow-up data download Requests must be approved by regional group, SVS PSO Quality Committee or Research Advisory Committee Final request with project abstract, tag and name requested to Carrie Bosela (SVS PSO) to avoid overlap of name designations Group must be responsible for the quality of data
Data Management Use of VQI data Use of reports from M2S Provided reports? Create your own? Raw data downloads? Report needs not met by M2S?
Data Definitions PVI Updates
Questions and Discussion
Next Meeting SoCal Voice Meeting: May 4, 2018 Laguna Beach, CA (Prior to Southern California Vascular Society Annual Meeting May 5-6, 2018) Next DM Webinar Call – April 2018