Teacher Tools
Choose what you wish to do with the selected comments. Then update.
TweenTribune Rubric Read Required Article Title will be given before going to computer lab. Post your comment on the article 10pts-Complete sentences 15pts- Summarize with two facts then they can give their opinion. No more than THREE exclamation points!!! (-10pts if use more than three) Minimum of 30 words 5pts (text in comment box will be red if students have not posted a large enough comment) 30pt assignment ( 30/30 = 100%)
Posting a Comment Scroll to the bottom of the page There you will find the comment box. Type your comment. It requires 25 or 30 words to be valid. Click on “Preview” This will take you to the top of the page again when it loads; scroll back down and you will see your comment. This is when you can check your spelling. After checking your spelling click on “SAVE.” This will save to the teachers “Approval Queue.” Student comments cannot be published by them. The teacher MUST approve them for posting.
Printing Their Comments When logged in on homepage you will see “print comments” under Teacher Links. This will print comments for this class. You have the option to choose how many days worth of posts you wish to see. This will pull posts for each students that has posted within this time for this class Oh! Look at those exclamation points. I may print this off and give them their own work for bell-ringer grammar corrections.