Michelle Owens, Vice Chair Region 2 Breakout Michelle Owens, Vice Chair
One new person—Jarrod Stanley
Jarrod Stanley—New from Kentucky TC Presentation from Dr. Yoon of WVU regarding STC research performance measures study Also presented during Value of Research Task Force
R&I Update Strategic Plan NCHRP Ballots/Nominations Nudge your CEO if s/he has not voted on ballots Talk with your regional representatives if you have an idea for CRP project, IDEA, etc.
UTC/CUTC Update (Joe Crabtree) CUTC meeting this morning—direction of RAC/CUTC alliance UTC Regions 1, 2, and 3 selected in June Congestion and infrastructure UTCs to be solicited soon with quick 60-day turnaround
Peer Exchanges Arkansas South Carolina NCHRP 20-111G Peer Exchange Best Practices Report available
Summarize Review ideas. Vote on top candidates and consolidate. Check requirements and restrictions. Trim list to top 5-10 ideas.