Autoradiographs of cDNA gene array of regulatory genes from untreated control (column A) and quercetin-treated (column B) cells. Autoradiographs of cDNA gene array of regulatory genes from untreated control (column A) and quercetin-treated (column B) cells. (I) Cell cycle genes; (II) tumor suppressor genes; (III) oncogenes. An arrow identifies the specific genes that are modulated, and a plus sign (+) indicates the position of the β-actin housekeeping gene. The arrow in the second row of panel IB indicates the positions of CCND1, the arrows in the sixth row indicate the positions of CDK8 and CDC16 (left and right, respectively), and the arrow in the seventh row indicates the position of E2F2. The arrows in panel IIB indicate the positions of the CREB-binding protein, and the arrows in panel IIIB indicate the positions of v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1. Data are from a representative experiment, and two other experiments produced similar results. Hari Krishnan Nair et al. Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. 2004; doi:10.1128/CDLI.11.1.63-69.2004