Environmental Chemistry
Origins Create the universe Create the elements Create the Earth Form the atmosphere and oceans
Carbonate-silicate cycle Timescale = 105 – 107 yrs J. F. Kasting, Science Spectra, 1995
Feedback on CO2 Figure 09-11 How to Build a Habitable Planet Copyright © Princeton University Press 2012
Historical CO2 record from Berner, Science, 1997
Solar output over time Solar output has increased by ~30% Figure 09-09 How to Build a Habitable Planet Copyright © Princeton University Press 2012
What about oxygen?
Oxidation states of elements Figure 15-02 How to Build a Habitable Planet Copyright © Princeton University Press 2012
Step 1: Autotrophs E.g., Purple sulfur bacteria 6 CO2 + 6 H2S + light C6H12O6 + 6 S Uses energy from light Oxidizes S and reduces C
Respiration Metabolizes glucose to produce ATP, CO2, and water Anaerobic respiration (no O2) produces 2 ATP per glucose C6H12O6 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 CO2 2ADP 2ATP
Step 2: Oxygenic Photosynthesis Uses solar energy to split water and form organic compounds O2 is a by-product
Step 3: Aerobic respiration Uses free O2 to oxidize organic matter Generates 36 ATPs Provides enough energy for complex organisms
Oxygen is consumed by reactions with reduced Fe and S from lithosphere
Banded iron formations
“Biogeochemical cycle modelling indicates that prolonged super- greenhouse conditions and effective nutrient input to the ocean after the glaciation lead to high levels of primary productivity and burial of organic carbon. This causes an abrupt jump of oxygen levels within ∼104yr after the glaciation and an extensive oxygen overshoot to the present atmospheric level. The overshoot persists for ∼108yr because net consumption of oxygen in the atmosphere–ocean system is inefficient. We show that the post-glacial jump of oxygen levels occurred in biologically short timescale, which may have stimulated the ecological shift and/or biological innovations toward the prosperity of oxygen-dependent life.”
Evolution of life
Coevolution of CO2 and O2 http://www.chegg.com
Carbon cycle Cycle includes flows of carbon from photosynthesis and respiration as well as Ca-Si cycling
Nitrogen Cycle Processes