Taking Action National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
Say Yes to FCS Background: Began in 2015 by NASAFACS and FCCLA Now a nationwide initiative with NASAFACS, AAFCS, and FCCLA offering national programs and resources to FCS professionals National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
Background The National Partnership to recruit, prepare, and support Family and Consumer Sciences Educators has been awarded a USDA Grant in the amount of $748,188, plus additional matching funds from AAFCS, FCCLA and SUNY Oneonta, for a total of $936, 572. In addition, 14 FCS professional organizations and partners have agreed to work together to meet the goals of the grant. The main objectives are to create resources to support FCS educator recruitment, to promote FCS careers, and to share preparation resources on a national level. National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
9 Projects of the Grant Licensure directory for all states FCS curriculum guides and resources Free webinars on current FCS topics/strategies Overview of preparation options Scholarship opportunities, financial aid/loan forgiveness FCS content course bank Say Yes to FCS marketing plan/products National leadership summits to advance FCS educator recruitment Targeted development/support for the North East region. 9 Projects of the Grant
OSPI FACSE WAFCS FCCLA WSU, CWU, SPU WA State Action Team OSPI FACSE WAFCS FCCLA WSU, CWU, SPU Fill out the survey if you have not already National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
Calendar Events and Activities
Posters, Lesson plans, Social Media Tools, and much more! http://www.aafcs.org/sayyes Posters, Lesson plans, Social Media Tools, and much more! Resources Available Grant website in development Create action team toolkit National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
Learning ZoneXpress Resources Available Grant website in development Create action team toolkit National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
Where to find more… NASAFACS http://www.nasafacs.org/teacher- recruitment-say-yes-to-fcs.html WA-FCCLA http://wa-fccla.org/say-yes- to-fcs/ Flip Book https://online.flippingbook.com/view/285 632/ National Say Yes to FCS project website coming soon
A resource guide for teachers: Flip Book A resource guide for teachers: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/285 632/
Initiate a proclamation! National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
Taking our Advocacy Efforts Home! Perkins V How is this bill implemented to the states? How is it implemented to your schools? School Board Local Representatives Community Engagement Nathon: Perkins V: States are allocated funding from the federal government to provide funding for CTE programs through Perkins. States receive different amounts based on many factors such as population and poverty level of areas. State legislation then decides where funding goes from there through grants that are provided to school districts. As FCS Educators and FCS students, you can actually request a grant by writing out the needs of your classroom - grant writing is a great skill to gain as it can be extremely beneficial to your schools FCS program. Provide the attendees with 8-10 minutes to go over the provided handout and make an action plan for Perkins funding in their state.
FCS Teacher Recruitment Share your story Help students find their FCS strengths Include FCS teacher and other professionals in Job Fair Encourage teaching as a career Be an FCS Advocate! Why did you choose this field? What makes FCS education exciting for you? Conduct classroom-based activities that emphasize FCS careers. What is your Action Plan? Nathon: Brainstorm ways to bring more attention to the FCSE major and FCS What are ways that we can reach a large amount of people? Public Service Announcement: Let’s highlight what FCS is and what it provides for our students through a public service announcement - a great way to bring our advocacy efforts back home and implement our knowledge. 5 minutes to develop a script for a 30 second PSA that highlights FCS, the FCSE major, and/or the career pathways.
Report Out Work on worksheets Planning Reporting any success in states Have you seen the survey sent out about State Action Teams National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
SAVE THE DATES December 3, 2018 Dine In Day February 13, 2019 FCS Educator Day FCS Educator Day (always the Wednesday of FCCLA Week) Twitter chat last year Twibbon Commitment for Dine in Day National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018
FCCLA Week 2019 Monday, February 11: Tuesday, February 12: Be Spirited Kick off FCCLA week by encouraging your classmates to Go For the Red! Show your FCCLA spirit and promote FCCLA in your community. #FCCLAspirit Tuesday, February 12: Be Confident Be confident in your abilities to succeed. Share how FCCLA has prepared you for a successful future and how it has encouraged you to Believe in Yourself. #FCCLAisConfident Wednesday, February 13: Be Prepared Show others how FCCLA career pathways have prepared you for your future! Take part in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Educator Day and recognize the achievements of FCS educators and programs.#FCCLAcareers Thursday, February 14: Be A Friend Take the time to show your appreciation for those who have supported you throughout your FCCLA journey and have encouraged you to Believe in Yourself. Be a friend and encourage others to do the same.#FCCLAfriends Friday, February 15: Be You in Red Believe in the power of red as we unite to show our FCCLA pride! Share what FCCLA red means to you and how it has given you the confidence to be you.#FCCLAUnites FCCLA Week 2019 National Partnership for Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators ©2018