Agenda (for me) ATSS, Discuss rest of Part 3 and discuss Part 4 Finish Edward Scissorhands & work on discussion questions Sign up for days to present
Reminders – 11-6-17 ATSS, We finished! Research Paper – due via – by Sunday, 11/12 11:59 PM The assignment was opened last night. Login info/Class ID & Enrollment Key posted last night. Photo Essay Due via Google Drive Monday, 11/13 – Present to class Monday or Tuesday (sign up today!) You do NOT have to dress up. Plan for 5 minutes max to present Unit Test – next WEDNESDAY, 11/14 (Study guide was posted to blog this morning) Need your copy of Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell) by TUESDAY!!! We will have chapters due and a quiz before Thanksgiving!
The Human Condition and Edward Scissorhands Being civilized means being socially acceptable. Relationships with people are always impactful. Everyone conforms to some sort of standard, even those who consider themselves to be “reactionaries”. If you’re pure on the inside, it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside. Life without color is bland. People conform because they are afraid of change and ridicule. It is worse to be flawed internally than externally.
ATSS, Remainder of Part 3 and Part 4 How does Mariam show that she has grown into a woman of strong character before her death? How does Mariam find peace before she dies? What forces tug on Laila to return to Afghanistan? How does the letter of Mariam’s father show his character? Does it redeem him in some way? In what ways is it ironic? How has Mariam become a symbol of Kabul for Laila? Do the women change in the novel? How? Who undergoes the most significant changes? How are the women similar? How different?