EAVES’ CLASSES ONLY Discussion Questions 9/8/15 Journal EAVES’ CLASSES ONLY Discussion Questions 1. Please define limiting factor and give an example. 2. How do you think microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.) improve the health of an ecosystem? disrupt the health? 3. Describe how environmental change (can be caused by humans or by nature) can impact an ecosystem. youtube limiting factors
9/9/15 Journal Discussion Questions 1. Using the textbook or your phone...describe the Nitrogen cycle. 2. Please explain how carrying capacity and limiting factors are related. study jams nitrogen cycle
Reminders References are PAST DUE. Friday your rough draft of your RESEARCH report is due in turnitin.com (don’t discuss your experiment at all in this report). It is background research only! To submit it- go to turnitin.com Eaves’ students only Class ID 10436098 Eaves’ students only Password Bulldog2015 Cones’ students only Class ID 10436136 Cones’ students only Password Bulldog2015 Ecology Root Quiz on Monday 9-14-15 Ecology Presentations begin TODAY Ecology Exam is 9-15-15 Read Chapters 2 – 4 in your textbook. Exam on Tuesday the 15th Science Journals and Ecology Reviews are due on Monday the 15th also
Populations ppt is on our class website to help You when studying for the test
Do I stay in PreAP? Drop date is TUESDAY! Do you plan to do science fair?? Do you plan to turn your work in on or before the due date from here on out? Late Policy: 1 day late = highest grade of a 70 2 or more days late = highest grade of a 50 How did you do on the Root Quiz? How did you do on the Daily Quizzes? Daily quiz questions are just like our test questions Do you plan to study a few minutes every night and go back over the day's discussion questions and/or notes?
QUIZ Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please QUIZ Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please Use CAPITAL letters please Keep your answers covered If you need to make up a quiz due to an absence… let me know Flip it over when you are finished and hang on to it.
Nitrogen Cycle Student Worksheet and Nitrogen Passport Activity EAVES’ Class Discussion of Activity from yesterday Goal- to see how a nitrogen atom is recycled as it travels through an ecosystem 11 stations, you won’t visit them all There will be 2-3 students at the starting station. Stamp your start station at the top Roll to see where you go next….write how you travel THEN go find that station and stamp your paper. Roll again to see where you go…write how you travel, find your next station, stamp Repeat
EcoRegion Project Presentations Part of your grade will be based on your presentation and your attention during your classmates’ presentations. Hand me your rubric when you come up to present.
EXIT TICKET Please explain how humans are disrupting the nitrogen cycle. How do you think events and processes that occur during ecological succession change populations and species diversity?
EXIT TICKET 1. Give an example of a predator found in Texas. 2. Give an example of an environmental change affecting an ecosystem.
EXIT TICKET 1. Give an example of a parasite. Is your example an ectoparasite or endoparasite? 2. Please describe how primary succession is different from secondary succession.
EXIT TICKET 1. Where are autotrophs are on the trophic pyramid? Why? 2. Give an example of one abiotic factor found in ecosystems.
EXIT TICKET 1. How are ecosystems different from communities? 2. Give an example of mutualism.