Blue Innovation Progress for the Macaronesia Regions LES RUP: UNE OPPORTUNI POUR L´EUROPE Línnovation bleuprogresse dans les RUPs DRAFT version Blue Innovation Progress for the Macaronesia Regions THE MISTIC SEAS PROCESS
Applying a subregional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of Marine Biodiversity in the Macaronesia Science- based Policy
WP1 Monitoring Programs and Data Gathering: Task 1.1. Pilot Monitoring Projects Sea Birds; Task 1.2. Pilot Monitoring Projects Marine Mammals & Marine Turtles. WP2 Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets: Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment; Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia. WP3 Risk assessment and preparing next steps of the 2nd Cycle: Task 3.1. Risk assessment; Task 3.2. Monitoring Programs Review; Task 3.3. Programs of Measures. WP4 Dissemination: Task 4.1. Updating and implementation communication plan and MISTIC webpage; Task 4.2. Awareness raising and environmental education. WP5 Coordination & Mangement: Task 5.1.Management quality system; Task 5.2. Kick of Meeting; Task 5.3.Final Meeting; Task 5.4. Steering Committee.