Role of TRB Standing Committees in Research Ann Brach TRB State Reps Meeting Wichita, Kansas July 25, 2018
TRB Doesn’t “Do” Research Cooperative Research Programs Manage contract research Publish research results Publish syntheses of current knowledge and practice Manage program to support innovators Consensus and Policy Studies Uses existing research to frame policy issues and perform analyses in support of expert committees’ development of recommendations Occasionally fund supporting analyses by outside experts
TRB’s “Core Program” Convening to share and advance knowledge: Develop and Manage Annual Meeting Develop and Manage specialty conferences Produce 100 webinars a year (this includes CRP webinars) Disseminating results of research and implementation efforts: Manage Transportation Research Record Create and post E-circulars Maintain website with extensive information Publish weekly e-newsletter with information from TRB, sponsors, universities, international research and implementation efforts Publish bi-monthly TR News magazine for the “lay” reader “Correlation” services Manage TRIS/TRID/RIP Maintain TRB Library with services such as “Snap Searches” Conduct Field Visit program Liaise with other programs including CRPs, TRB sponsors, universities, domestic and international associations
Standing Technical Committees (TAD) Generation and review of technical content: Annual Meeting and conference session Peer review papers for TRR journal Produce summaries in e-circulars Occasional products such as wikis, HCM, etc. Communication, coordination activities: Maintain knowledge of advances in knowledge and practice in their areas Identify knowledge gaps (Research Needs Statements) and encourage research and other activities to fill the gaps Develop the transportation expert community: Seek new people to involve; engage committee “friends” Liaise with other organizations Mentor younger/newer members of the community
Blue Ribbon Committees Recognition of excellence in fulfilling committee mission 4 areas for awards (new as of this year): Research (previously Advancing Research): Identifying and advancing ideas for research Renewal: Attracting and preparing the next generation of professionals and scholars in TRB Implementation: Moving research ideas into transportation practice Leadership: Contributing to improving the management and operation of TRB committees Receive blue ribbon to wear at Annual Meeting and certificates presented to chairs at Sunday lunch
Blue Ribbon Examples 2015 ABC40, Transportation Asset Management Turning research needs statements into NCHRP funded research projects Focuses on research needs of practitioners and fosters involvement of SDOT practitioners in TRB Key is partnership AASHTO Subcommittee on Asset Management. Monthly phone calls with Subcommittee, FHWA, ABC40 ABC40 chair discusses research needs at Subcommittee meetings to get feedback & priorities. Joint meetings with AASHTO Subcommittee at TRB Annual Meeting to discuss common research needs. Advancing Research Transportation Asset Management (ABC40) Chair: Kathryn Zimmerman Website: Policy & Organization Group – Management & Leadership Section One of the primary roles of a TRB committee is to identify and develop research needs to advance the state of the practice. Other roles involve sharing information about on-going research activities with TRB participants and disseminating research results through workshops, conferences, and other methods. The Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Committee (ABC40) has experienced phenomenal success over the last several years in turning research needs statements into funded research projects through the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). In the past few years alone, the following Committee Research Needs have been funded: • NCHRP 08-36, Task 114: TAM for Ancillary Structures • NCHRP 08-36, Task 116, Development of Transportation Asset Management Plan Templates. • NCHRP 08-36, Task 125, TAM Knowledge Portal. • NCHRP 08-69, Supplement to the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide: Volume 2 – A Focus on Implementation. • NCHRP 08-87, Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset Management. • NCHRP 08-90, TAM Gap Analysis Tool. • NCHRP 08-91, Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on System Performance. • NCHRP 08-93, Managing Risk Across the Enterprise: A Guidebook for State Departments of Transportation. • NCHRP Project 20-05, Topic 43-01, Use of TAM Principles in State Highway Agencies. • NCHRP 20-07/Task 315, TAM for Ancillary Structures. A key to ABC40’s success in advancing research efforts has been the partnership that has been established with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official’s (AASHTO) Subcommittee on Asset Management. This partnership, which has been in place since ABC40 first became a standing committee, includes the following: • Participation in monthly phone calls with the leadership of the AASHTO Subcommittee, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and ABC40. During the calls, the AASHTO representative often identifies opportunities for research needs statements to be submitted in support of various NCHRP programs. As these opportunities are identified, the Chair of ABC40 either submits a research problem statement already developed by the Committee or reaches out to Committee members for help in developing a problem statement on a topic suggested by the AASHTO Subcommittee or FHWA. • Opportunities for the Chair of ABC40 to discuss research needs at each AASHTO Subcommittee meeting so that the feedback from Subcommittee members can be incorporated into the research problem statements prepared by the ABC40 Committee members. At one of the AASHTO Subcommittee meetings each year, the ABC40 Chair presents the research needs statements that have been developed by the TRB Committee and asks the AASHTO Subcommittee members to prioritize the topics. A committee is then formed to finalize the problem statements for the top 3 to 5 research topics. The committee is comprised of members of both ABC40 and the AASHTO Subcommittee on Asset Management. • Joint meetings with the AASHTO Subcommittee each year at the TRB Annual Meetings to discuss common research needs. The partnership that has been established has benefited AASHTO, FHWA, and TRB. Not only has it led to the identification of research statements that address the needs of practitioners, it has also fostered stronger involvement by state practitioners in TRB activities and has contributed to advancing the state of the practice.
Blue Ribbon Examples 2016 Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (AHB10) Works with National Operations Center of Excellence and AASHTO Subcommittee on Transportation Systems Management and Operations to identify research needs, develop problem statements, create research framework. NCHRP problem statements and synthesis topics TSMO research collaboration across TRB and AASHTO webinars, research needs survey, virtual peer exchange with TRB & AASHTO committees and NOCoE Honorable Mention: ADC30, Ecology and Transportation Bi-annual newsletter: disseminate milestones, announcements, research needs, practice-ready results, case studies, research-in-progress.
Blue Ribbon Examples 2017 AFH10, Construction Management Collaboration with AASHTO Subcom on Construction on research needs, dissemination, application AHB40, Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Highway Capacity Manual since 1950 promotes research to advance state of practice and develop tools used by practitioners, academics, policy makers. HCM 6th Ed. incorporates travel time reliability (SHRP 2); wide range of traffic, weather, incidents; managed lanes, ramp metering, speed harmonization; combines research to analyze urban street as a multimodal facility (complete streets); long-range planning, travel demand modeling, alternatives analyses, and highway sizing.
Blue Ribbon Examples 2018 2018: AT045, Intermodal Freight Transport Connecting freight research and practice, learn day-to-day challenges of freight community directly from industry personnel ranges from senior executives to front line employees responsible for packing boxes Mid-year meetings with industry organizations, site visits Private Sector Applicability Award at TRB Annual Meeting 2018: ABG30, Technology Transfer Work to join academia, private sector, & public agencies to accelerate research results into implementation Reviewed Practice-Ready Papers process Website, news, updates, twitter, T2 tools Provide resources to standing committees Dissemination of NCHRP 768 Directed T2 Results
“The Matrix” TRB doesn’t “do” research, but we provide a matrix within which research, innovation, and implementation in transportation is fostered and coordinated, through: Information exchange Convening experts Connecting researchers with practitioners Providing expert peer review of technical content Professional development and mentoring Tools for practitioners