Teacher Resilience Factors: Research synthesis Individual Contextual Protective Altruism/vocation, Tenacity, Intrinsic motivation, Humour, Flexibility, Risk-taking, Self-efficacy, Agency, Problem-solving, Social competence, Active coping skills, Professional ambition, Self-reflection, Commitment to professional development, Good teaching skills, Confidence in teaching ability Supportive school culture / peer support, Supportive leadership, Mentor support, Good relationships with students, Social/family support, Quality of pre-service teacher education course Risk Lack of self-confidence, Difficulty asking for help, Conflict between personal beliefs and school practices Pupil disruption, Meeting needs of disadvantaged students, Lack of leadership support, Lack of resources, Poor relationships with parents, Isolation, Poor relationships with colleagues, Scrutiny/performance management culture, Lack of power over teaching decisions, Workload, Lack of mentoring, Lack of security, Insecure subject/curriculum knowledge