Distinctions in Agriculture Need for capital & labor (both intensive) Type of Land Use (Int or Ext) Goal of Agriculture Location Type Use of Water Capital: machinery, tools, storage, stuff needed to produce Capital intensive: farmers produce a lot by using machinery, don’t need as many farmers, MDC Labor intensive: people do manual labor, need more people to produce, LDC Intensive land use: large amount of output on small amount of land, greenhousecapital
1 Shifting cultivation 335 Fizz 2 Pastoral nomadism 338 Christian 3 Intensive Subsistence agriculture 339 Zion and Yohanna 4 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming 342 Ellie 5 Dairy Farming 343 Adam 6 Grain Farming 345 Arian 7 Livestock Ranching 346 Paulina 8 Mediterranean Agriculture 349 Khaliyah 9 Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farming 349 Rayna 10 New Food Sources (Oceans) New Food Sources (Cereals & Rare Foods) 357-358 Laura 11 Plantation Farming 341 Serena
Farmer’s Almanac Type (title at top) Labor and/or capital intensive http://farmersalmanac.com/long-range-weather-forecast/southeast-us/ Type (title at top) Labor and/or capital intensive Intensive or Extensive Land Use Brief description Vocab associated Typical crops Area(s) of world Symbol or illustration
Grain farming… intensive or extensive? Why? Labor or capital?
Vegetable garden… intensive or extensive? Why? Labor or capital?