A guided tour of the Access Grid Advanced Network Collaboration Bob Riddle, Technologist bdr@internet2.edu 23 February 2019
What if … … you could create virtual spaces where distributed people can work together? ... you could provide a sense of presence, of “being there” where distributed people could interact as if they were sharing the same “room”? ... you could do this using available collaboration technology that was affordable? … you could integrate this with existing security services and available network capabilities? 2/23/2019
What if … (part 2) … it supported the platforms that your faculty, researchers, students were comfortable using? Windows XP/2000 Linux variants (RedHat, Slackware, Fedora, Debian, …) Mac OS X (in the future) … it supported the existing environments to allow people to collaborate where they are? Advanced Node – Tiled Display, Multiple Video Streams, Localized Audio Room – Shared Display, Multiple Video Streams, Single Audio Stream Desktop – Desktop Monitor, Multiple Video Streams, Single Audio Stream Laptop – Laptop Display, Single Video Stream, Single Audio Stream Minimal Node – Compact Display, Single Video Stream, Single Audio Stream 2/23/2019
Then you would have an Access Grid! The Access Grid is: the infrastructure and software technologies enabling linking together distributed Active(Work)Spaces to support highly distributed collaborations in science, engineering and education, integrated with and providing seamless access to the resources of both the National and international Technology Grid. 2/23/2019
Where did it come from? Leadership provided by the Future Lab (FL) within the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) division of Argonne National Laboratory and National Computation Science Alliance (NCSA). Nearly 200 participating sites around the world, some with multiple Access Grid rooms Government labs Universities Corporate research facilities http://www.accessgrid.org/community/nodes/nodes.html 2/23/2019
It looks something like this Providing: Large-format displays Multiple audio and video streams Shared applications (PowerPoint) 2/23/2019
… and like this Research underway at Argonne, working with Microsoft, on handheld clients Source: Argonne National Laboratory and University Illinois at Chicago 2/23/2019
AG Architecture 2/23/2019
User Interface – Venue Client “normal” user interface multiple interactive channels (modalities) text, audio, video, graphics, animation, VR Shared applications Supports both secure public channels 2/23/2019
Venue Client (Part 2) You can use the Venue Client for: Sharing Data Shared Applications Integration with existing Scheduling software The Shared Applications include: Distributed PowerPoint Shared Web browser Whiteboard Shared Desktop Tool Shared Visualization Tools 2/23/2019
“Authorization is difficult, so we make it easier” Ivan Judson Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based security. Each user, server, and service has an identity cert Communications use SSL (via Globus Toolkit™) SSL provides Mutual Authentication (each pair of peers knows the identity of the other) Confidentiality 2/23/2019
So what about the Network You need multicast You can setup a multicast bridge You need to do the math! .5 mbps for each vic video stream 30 mbps for each DVTS video stream 300 kbps for all rat audio streams You really need multicast 2/23/2019
What can you do with the AG? Accredited Web Classes Advisory Committees Applications Awards Ceremonies Bring your Daughter to Work Day Budget Talks Conferences/Workshops CyberSecurity Plans Dance Recitals Farewell Party Lunch Seminars Government/Political Officials Interviews Panel Discussions Planning Meetings Science and Technology Week (DOE) Testing New Access Grid Sites Thesis Defense User Groups Voice to Text Demo Wedding Weekly Meetings Working Group Meetings 2/23/2019
Other “AG” things to look at ConferenceXP http://www.conferencexp.net/community/uploads/lxp_overview.ppt http://www.conferencexp.net/community/uploads/conferencexp_presentation VRVS http://www.vrvs.org Bridges between H.323 & AG rooms Build or Buy? inSors (http://www.insors.com/) 2/23/2019
The Access Grid Project http://www.accessgrid.org/ More information The Access Grid Project http://www.accessgrid.org/ The Access Grid Toolkit http://www.mcs.anl.gov/fl/research/accessgrid/ Health Application http://health.internet2.edu/projects/AG_collaboration.html 2/23/2019