Ideas to get Face-to-Face Drop by and say hello. Treat it like you’re visiting family or a friend. “How’s it going?” Hand them a FSBO brochure with your business card and offer to help when they’re ready. Access flyers on , Sales Associate Resources, Prospecting for Business and show them the power of Weichert’s internet marketing strategy. Ask for their brochure to show your buyers (then make a professional one and return to show them a sample of your work!) Show them a completed PTA and offer to do one for their property when you’re invited in to explain what you can do differently to market and sell their home. Convert More FSBOs Key Questions How is it going? How long has your home been on the market? Do you have a target date for getting into your next one? Have you ever considered professional representation? How much longer are you attempting to sell it yourself before considering working with a realtor? Will you be cooperating with brokers who bring you a buyer? Keep Your Promises If you say you will call them back in one week, do so! If you tell them the GSM will contact them to offer help in pre-approving their potential buyers, make sure the GSM reaches out! Consider all your kept promises as a dress rehearsal for working with this serious seller. Your follow up actions will demonstrate to them that you’re trustworthy, you do what you say you will do, and you keep your promises. When you follow up, say this: “I always keep my promises.” Respect Their Timeline and Offer Help Of course I’d love the opportunity to show you what we can do to market and sell your home, but I want to respect your plan and timeline. May I preview your home for my current and future buyers? Do you have a brochure of your property I might show them? At no cost to you, my Gold Services Manager can pre- approve buyers for you and I’d be happy to introduce you. Where will you be moving to? Perhaps I can help you on the buy-side of the equation. I can refer you to a very good sales associate if it’s outside of my market area. Buying Signals and Your Response When the seller asks, “What do you think of the price?” or any question related to their approach and the market , they’re interested in your expertise . . . Your Response: “That’s an interesting question . . . It sounds like you’re curious about my opinion on this. Would it be alright if I take a look at your property and then come back to show you a customized marketing plan and price evaluation? This process ensures I can answer your questions appropriately. © 2012 Weichert, Realtors®. Each WEICHERT® franchised office is independently owned and operated. Weichert® is a federally registered trademark owned by Weichert Co.