LEADING A NATION BACK TO GOD Studies in the book of Judges “Samson, Careless in His Vow” Judges 13:1- 16:31
“Samson, Careless in His Vow” The Seventh Spiritual Spiral: “Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord” (vs.1-3) Hebrews 2:1-3
“Samson, Careless in His Vow” Supernatural Conception: (vs.1-3) Instructions on rearing the child: Responsive worship: (altar and sacrifice) Understanding God: (will He kill us?) Psalm 127:3-5 “arrows go where they are pointed.”
“Samson, Careless in His Vow” Superficial Devotion: (vs.3,4) Nazarite: 1. No fermented beverages. 2. No touching dead corpses. 3. No cutting of the hair. Romans 12:1,2
“Samson, Careless in His Vow” Strong Assignment: “To deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines” (vs.5) “The Spirit of God began to stir him” (vs.24) John 15:7
‘STARTING OFF RIGHT DOES NOT GUARANTEE FINISHING WELL’ Life Steps Compromising the Word and Idolatrous worship is costly. A Spiritual spiral has only one recovery, REPENTANCE. Be on guard against hasty “Promises” ‘STARTING OFF RIGHT DOES NOT GUARANTEE FINISHING WELL’