National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008 Key Principles Views of children not being heard esp vulnerable children- of particular concern are those in the foster care system, homelessch and those with disabilities There are constitutional and legal concerns in relation to information sharing Some after school facilities, summer and holiday camps and private entertainment for children are not covered. 2/23/2019 National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008
National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008 Policies Garda vetting-difficulties in relation to those who have addresses abroad. The inadmissability of ‘soft information’ Safe recruitment practices are not always carried on…seeking references and so on. 2/23/2019 National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008
National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008 Raising Concerns Needs to facilitate a ‘talking through stage’ prior to reporting Improvement in access to HSE contact personnell Lack of a protocol about feedback to persons who have reported 2/23/2019 National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008
National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008 Standards Lack of uniformity across all HSE areas Absence of standards against which services can be measured and monitored Access to Child Protection Notification System is still problematic ie not readily available outside the social work service 2/23/2019 National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008
Referrals and Follow up Only 25% of child abuse notifications are substantiated Children who experience neglect are served least well in the present system. No set funds for the delivery and development of early intervention and family support services There is no national forum and no formal structure for analysing outcomes 2/23/2019 National Review of Compliance with 'Children First' July 2008