Voltage & Earths RF Burns Shack safety Antenna safety
Voltage & Current High voltage carries a risk of electrocution High current carries a risk of overheating and fire Take care with mains-powered equipment (230V AC) Switch off and unplug equipment before working on it Take care with batteries and avoid short circuits. Even a low voltage battery can overheat and cause a fire. Electrocution: Disconnect the power immediately. Ensure power off before touching victim. Summon medical help
Mains Plugs Brown: Live Blue: Neutral Yellow/Green: Earth Plug / cable undamaged Correct value fuse (P = V x I) Avoid whiskers Flex secured
Earths Earth connections prevent metalwork becoming ‘live’ in fault conditions Don’t mix the mains earth with the RF earth ‘PME’ - Protective Multiple Earthing Be aware of “PME”. Some homes use this – the neutral and earth are connected. Out-of-scope for this course, but be aware of the term.
RF Burns Can be very nasty, and the effects are not always felt immediately Do not touch antenna whilst transmitting Insulated wires, such as antenna and feeder cable, can still give an RF burn Be careful when wearing watches, rings, etc. near RF
Shack Safety Ensure your shack has a single, clearly- marked ‘OFF’ switch Exercise care when using and storing tools Take care when using headphones – loud noise can damage your hearing. Damage can be cumulative Trailing wires are a trip hazard Avoid liquids near equipment
Antenna Safety Avoid overhead cables and phone lines Secure antennas and feeder safely, insuring no accidental contact Care when using a ladder (ladder secured,wear a hard hat) At least one adult must be present Risk of lightning strike on high antennas Do not touch an antenna whilst transmitting
Outdoor Safety Car batteries: High current, danger of overheating, corrosive acid Risk of tripping over cables Risk of overhead wires In-car: Unsecured equipment; distractions ; use hands-free equipment
Summary Understand the dangers of high voltage and current Do not touch a casualty until power is disconnected Mains plugs: correct fuse value ; check for damage Understand the risk of RF burns Care with ladders and antennas Keep your shack safe – “OFF” Switch Watch for wires below you (trip hazard) and above (antennas and ladders)
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