Welcome Corona High School’s
PRINCIPAL Dr. Danny Kim Introduction Assistant Principals Assistant Principal-Athletics Assistant Principal-Activities Assistant Principal-9th Grade AVID Coordinator Upward Bound Director Counselors
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Mr. Jason Mitchell Sports Overview Tryouts Physicals
Assistant Principal-Activites Mrs. Julie Stivers Associated Student Body Link Crew Clubs How to Join Club Rush
Assistant Principal- 9th Grade Mrs. Norma Berrellez What is an AP Class? Honors/AP Courses AP Exams Why Take the Test? How to prepare for AP classes. New Course added AP Human Geography
Parental Role in Education Roles in school & community What is AVID? Colleges Partnerships Scholarships University Admissions Parental Role in Education AVID Support Staff Organizational Skills AVID Student Fieldtrips Tutoring Rigorous Coursework Honors/AP Leadership Roles in school & community
Director: Miriam L. Alonso Criteria: Services: U.S. citizen or permanent resident Academic Advising College & University Visits First-generation and/or low-income Tutoring Must be a 9th or 10th grader attending Corona High, or an 8th grader who will attend Corona Saturday Academy SAT & ACT Test Preparation Workshops Summer Academy Summer Bridge Northern California College Tour To apply contact: Director: Miriam L. Alonso (951)218-7931 Miriam.Alonso@norcocollege.edu
COUNSELORS Mr. Pruett Mrs. Halfhill Mrs. Martin Ms. Babin Mrs. Ferrara A-C D-HO Hu-OL Puente Mr. Pruett Mrs. Halfhill Mrs. Martin Ms. Babin On-Rosas & Safety Counselor Rosato-S & AVID English Language Learners A-Z T-Z & Special Ed. Now that you know the name of your guidance counselor, please take a few moments to find the picture of your guidance counselor so that you know what he or she looks like. It is very important that you know who your guidance counselor is. Ms. Schneider Mrs. Ferrara Ms. Osterkamp Mrs. Aguiar
SAFETY COUNSELOR Mrs. Amy Schneider Individual/Group Counseling Assistant Principal Referrals Community Resource Referrals Drug/Alcohol Counseling
COUNSELING PROGRAMS Freshman Program Introduce Graduation & College Requirements & Develop a 4 Year Plan Sophomore Program Career Program Junior Program College Choices & Testing Requirements Senior Program College Applications Process & Financial Aid
REGISTRATION PROCESS Course Selection Sheets Teachers review Course Selection Sheets Course Selection Sheets are sent home for parents to review and sign Course Selection Sheets are collected by Teachers/Student Advisors High School Counselors meet with all students to discuss their schedule
IMPORTANT REGISTRATION DATES Auburndale February 6th Cesar Chavez March 7th & 10th Citrus Hills April 15th CFIS (B,C,& D Tracks) February 13th CFIS (A & IB Tracks) March 13th Raney March 11th, 12th, & 14th
COURSE SELECTION SHEETS Students should follow the directions on the front page when filing out their course selection sheet. Counselors will review the course selection sheets with every student. Registration booklet and course descriptions can be found on our website.
FRESHMAN SCHEDULE Language Arts Math Course Biology or Natural Science Health and Computers or Geography Physical Education One Elective
FRESHMAN SCHEDULE Students are scheduled in a college preparatory curriculum. It is recommended that any student requesting to take honors classes have a 3.5 GPA and must turn in the signed honors contract. Special Education students’ placement is determined by their Individualized Educational Program (IEP). English Language Learners are placed according to their CELDT test scores. Students interested in AVID, Puente or Upward Bound must interview.
SCHEDULING PROCESS Counselors meet yearly with students to determine the most appropriate schedule for each student Discuss their progress toward graduation and college Discuss future goals All of February and March are devoted to meeting individually with every CHS students to review their schedule for the following year
CAREER CENTER RESOURCES Counseling Appointment Career & College Search College Presentations SAT/ACT Prep Materials Weekly Progress Reports…and much more
CONTENT OF PACKET Graduation and College Requirements Counselor Assignments Schedule Changing Process Panther Athletics and Clubs Helpful People Useful Websites
CHS WEBSITE CHS Website Announcement Twitter Facebook Guidance Tab Parent Information Handbook Registration
GET INVOLVED! Clubs available to CHS Students PTSA AVID Puente Upward Bound NJROTC Thank you for your Interest in Your Student’s Future!