Oral health and healthy eating. Doncaster Oral Health Promotion Lessons Key Stage 2 – Lesson 3
This is Mole- R. He helps us to look after our teeth and mouth.
First of all, can you remember what we have already covered? Today Mole-R is going to help us investigate how our teeth can decay. First of all, can you remember what we have already covered?
Which food group do the pictures belong too? Ca QUIZ CARBOHYDRATES FRUITS & VEGETABLES
Which food groups to the pictures belong too? Ca DAIRY & ALTERNATIVES PROTEIN
Which food groups to these pictures belong too? Ca OILS & SPREADS FRUITS & VEGETABLES
Ca Which food groups to these pictures belong too? Foods high in sugar, fat and salt – is not actually one of our food groups. You will find these foods floating around the edge of the Eat Well guide, this is because we do not need to eat foods from this group everyday. They are the types of foods that shouldn’t form part of our daily diet. We can eat them on an occasional basis. https://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/the-eatwell-guide.aspx PROTEIN FOODS HIGH IN SUGAR, FAT OR SALT
Which food groups do these pictures belong too? Ca CARBOHYDRATES FRUITS & VEGETABLES
Which food groups to these pictures belong too? Ca DAIRY & ALTERNATIVES PROTEIN
Ca Which food groups to these foods belong too? FLUIDS FOODS HIGH IN SUGAR, FAT OR SALT
TOOTH DECAY BACTERIA HEALTHY TOOTH SUGAR TIME DISCUSSION Looking at the first image of healthy tooth and the last image of tooth decay, discuss what happens during the process of tooth decay? Step 1: Inform that when we frequently eat sugary food, bacteria feed on the sugar Step 2: When the bacteria eat sugar, they make acid which attacks the tooth surface (enamel). Step 3: If this happens frequently, our tooth will get a hole in it, which is called ‘tooth decay’. Eventually the hole could get so big that the tooth would have to be taken out. TOOTH DECAY
Can you fill in the clouds? Dental plaque contains which can damage your teeth. Brush your teeth and gums daily. Brush during the and at daily to remove the plaque. Ca BACTERIA TWICE FILL IN THE BLANKS The most important time to brush is last thing at night before you go to bed. MORNING BEDTIME
Can you fill in the clouds? Brush your teeth for minutes. Use toothpaste to brush your teeth. Use a sized amount of fluoridated tooth paste to brush your teeth. Ca 2 FLUORIDE The fluoride content of our toothpaste should be 1350 – 1500ppm. (parts per million) PEA
Can you fill in the clouds? After brushing you should always the toothpaste and should not There are different types of teeth. Visit the regularly to protect your teeth. Ca SPIT RINSE 4 DENTIST
Can you fill in the clouds? Eat a diet to stay healthy. Eat at least 5 portions of and daily. and are the best choices for our teeth BALANCED Ca FRUITS VEGETABLES MILK WATER
Can you fill in the clouds? Drink at least glasses of fluids daily. Avoid foods or drinks to protect your teeth. Sugary foods or drinks should be limited to times to protect our teeth. 6 to 8 Ca SUGARY MEAL Milk and water are the safest drinks for teeth
Eating a healthy and balanced diet. How can we prevent tooth decay? Brushing our teeth. Visiting the dentist. Eating a healthy and balanced diet. DISCUSSION