Local Organic vs Conventional Foods The impact of food on the environment and human health By: Shane Laderoute
Organic Foods Organic means food grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or conventional pesticides, and free of food additives. The European Union, the United States, Canada, and Japan are countries that require special certification in order to market food as organic. Since 1990~ Organic food production has grown 20% annually. April 2008~ Organic food accounts for 1-2% of food sales worldwide.
Organic Certification 100% organic: grown without the use of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers or any type of genetic modification. Organic: means that the product contains 95% organic ingredients. Made with organic ingredients: means the product contains 70% organic materials.
Conventional Farming Use chemical herbicides to manage weeds. Spray insecticides and pesticides to reduce pests and diseases. Apply synthetic fertilizers to influence plant growth. Gives animals antibiotics and hormones to increase growth and reduce disease.
Organic Farming Organic farmers: Rotate crops, hand weed or mulch to manage weeds. Apply natural fertilizers- manure or compost to feed soil and plants. Feed animals organic feed and allow access to outdoors. Preventative Measures: Rotational grazing, balanced diets, and clean housing to minimize disease.
Environmental Impacts of Organic Farming
Environmental Impacts of Organic Farming Farmers do not consume or release synthetic pesticides or fertilizers into the environment. (these pesticides have the potential to harm soil, water and local wildlife due to runoff) They use less energy and produce less waste than conventional farmers.
Environmental Impacts of Conventional Farming High Food Miles: How far food travels from farmer who produces it to consumer who eats it. It not only reduces freshness, and increases costs as fuel prices go up, but it also increases carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Food travels 50% further than it did in 1979 Conventional food travels 1,500 miles while organic food travels 56 miles on average.
Environmental Impacts Pesticide runoff can contaminate water sources, animals, and other plants. Single crop farming can cause soil erosion and deplete the minerals and nutrients found in soil.
Energy Efficiency Organic Farmers release less carbon into the atmosphere from farmland soils. Because of crop rotation, and the use of manure and compost for the soils.
Energy 26% More energy efficient than non-organic farmers who produce the same amount of food. Artificial nitrogen fertilizers (produced by fossil fuels used by conventional farmers). Nitrogen accounts for 37% of agriculture total energy use and largest source of nitrous oxide. (worse than carbon dioxide).
. A study done in the UK found that the number of kids with hyperactivity went down by 50% when additives were removed from their diets.
Human Health Article published in the UK in 2004 by the Association of Primary Care Groups and Trusts concluded that a predominantly organic diet resulted in: Reduced amount of toxic chemicals ingested. Reduces amount of food additives and coloring.
Human Health It appears to lower incidence of cancer, coronary heart disease, allergies, and hyperactivity in children. Increases amount of beneficial vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants.
Human Health Pesticides affects workers causing acute health problems such as: Abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and skin and eye problems.
Human Health Severe problems of workers include: Respiratory problems, memory disorders, dermatologic conditions, cancer, depression, miscarriages, and birth defects.
Human Health Pesticide Facts: Imported fruits from South America are more likely to have high levels of pesticides. A study in 2002 showed that organic foods had only 1/3 of pesticide residue on crops compared to conventional. 77% of conventional food has synthetic pesticide residue.
Most Contaminated Food 1) Strawberries 2) Bell Peppers 3) Spinach 4) Cherries 5) Peaches 6) Cantaloupe 7) Celery 8) Apples 9) Apricots 10) Green Beans
Human Health
Human Health National Research Council in 1993 determined that for infants and children the major source of pesticide exposure came from their diets.
Examples of Pesticide Use The pesticide Altrazine is a known teratogen that disrupts the endocrine system in frogs when exposed in small doses. DDVP (Dichlorvos) is a known carcninogen and dangerous to the human nervous system. EPA risk assesment does not exceed levels of concern.
Pesticides The World Health Organization estimates that about 25 million people suffer from some sort of pesticide poisoning and about 20,000 of them die each year. Studies show that farmers who use pesticides have an elevated rate of prostate cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Parkinson’s and other chronic illnesses. Similarly children who are born to farmers who use pesticide chemicals have a higher rate of birth defects.
What Have We Learned? Organic food is less harmful to the environment based on farming techniques. Pesticides can affect many people’s health even if safety measures are taken. To always inspect where your food came from and wash your produce.
Resources “Pros and cons of Organic Farming”. http://www.scionline.org/index.php/Pros_and_Cons_of_Organic_and_Conventional_Agriculture#Harmful_Effects “Organic Farming”. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_food#Environmental_impact
Resources “Prism Webcast News”. http://prismwebcastnews.com/2008/04/30/tesco-carbon-footprint-study-confirms-organic-farming%E2%80%99s-energy-efficiency-but-excludes-key-climate-benefit-of-organic-farming-%E2%80%93-soil-carbon/ “Organic Consumers Association”. http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_11662.cfm