Welcome to Mrs. Magyar’s Class! Please sign in on Brown Table. Please complete the questionnaire – 2 sides. Write a Positive Message .
Teacher for 10 years, mostly in Franklin Bachelor’s Degree: Early Childhood Education – Math, Science & Technology Master’s Degree: Literacy Education I love doing Hands On Lessons and activities! I love using technology in the classroom!
Science or Social Studies Morning Meeting Reading & Word Study Writing Workshop Special Lunch Science or Social Studies Math
Reading Workshop Studying Fiction & Nonfiction Transitioning from decoding to reading to learn Retelling Story Events Thinking Across Books Series books in Fiction Across a topic in Nonfiction
Writing Workshop Fiction and Nonfiction writing Aligns with Reading units Adding details Writing longer sentences
Math Go Math! Series Biggest Focus is on Bigger Numbers!: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction up to 1000 Goal is to create Mathematical Thinkers, not calculators. Focus is not “What is the answer?” Focus is “How did you solve the problem?”
Science Most lessons focus on Experiments rather than a textbook Does incorporates Nonfiction Reading Learning about topics within: Earth & Space Science Physical Science Life Science
Social Studies Civics & Government Geography Thanksgiving & the Native Americans Economics
“A” Day – P.E. “B” Day – Dance “C” Day – Music & P.E. “D” Day – Spanish & Digital Citizenship “E” Day – Art “F” Day – Science Lab
Listen to and Follow Directions. Raise your hand to Speak. Raise your hand to Leave your Seat. Make Smart Choices. Treat Everyone with Kindness and Respect.
Individual Behavior: Clip Chart Daily standing will be recorded on weekly sheet and placed in HW folder Whole Class: Earn Warm Fuzzies for Whole Class Surprise
Snack Please send in 1 drink and 1 healthy snack Examples: Granola bar, Apple slices Snack time is 10 min so please do not send too much food Please do not send in food containing Nuts or Peanuts for snack Please speak with child about NOT sharing food
Birthdays Food is not allowed to be served in the classroom. You can send in a small item to celebrate such as Pencils, Stickers, Erasers You can come to read your child’s favorite book to the class
Daily: Reading Log Math Page There may be additional homework. Students will write their homework in their planners Daily.
Conferences Please sign up for a day of the week I am hoping to start using Bloomz so you will be able to sign up for a specific time closer to conferences. I will speak to the teacher/s of your child’s siblings to try to get the conferences together.
edTPA It is a requirement for student teachers to complete this state performance assessment. Ms. Murphy is required to film a lesson which is submitted to Pearson assessments. During the filming, the focus will be on Ms. Murphy. No last names will be used. Please read over the informational sheet and complete the permission slip as you see fit.