K- Lead Program Analysis & Evaluation Cohort 8 Dec 2015
Team Members - Cohort 8 Badria Ali KOC Abdulkhaleq Al-Ali Hadeel Al-Refai KPC Areej Al-Bahar Salah Al-Kharji PIC Taleb al-Kharqawi
K-LEAD Objectives K-Lead aims to groom the current and next generation of leaders of the oil sector in line with its culture and strategic agenda. Aligning learning goals to business goals and focusing on achieving demonstrable results and long-term sustainability. Ensure that all current and future leaders have common business understanding, leadership drive and strategic vision required for achievement of our strategic goals.
K-LEAD Program
K- Lead Project Objectives: to measure the K-Lead program efficiency and added value Methodology : Identify objectives collect feedback and comments from the project group on the program Prepare a survey to include other managers opinion and be more realistic Send the survey to different managers in the K-companies ( about 50 managers participated) Analyze the feedback
Results – Program
Results – Program
Results – Topics
Results – Topics
Results – Coaching
Results – Coaching
Results – Participants
Results – Instructors
Overall Observation K-Lead is a structured program with objectives to promotes leadership skills met the objectives partially. The program implementation was not proper on the following aspects: Selection of curriculum should be tailor-made to meet KPC/Subs culture and needs. No pre-evaluation/tests to qualify level of participants.
Observation – Topics Most topic covered in program are generic with no focus on oil & gas issues. LBs should have more in depth analysis of local oil &gas industry, regulations, culture in order to be used in the program. The program should have used real case studies from the industry. The period between modules are long which may result in loosing momentum, forgetting learning experience, distraction of daily work pressure, etc. this would will have a negative effect on the required outcomes of the program. With the exception of the KPC 2030 strategy presentation there was a notable absence of oil & gas seniors during the program to interact with the managers
Observation – Coaching Sessions Coaching sessions were conducted only during dates of the program which minimizes the effectiveness of such sessions. Coaching was conducted via video(skype) with minimum time assigned to each member of the cohort. Technical difficulties during these sessions minimized the effectiveness of such sessions. The 2nd coaching session conducted remotely proved to be in sufficient and ineffective due to the reasons mention above.
Observation – Participation Randomly selection of cohort members was not correct way to ensure homogeneous Group in terms of knowledge, experience, behavior, long term/short term thinking, etc. Although it was meant to share experience, but the gap between the managers did not achieve the goal. Many participants were about to retire when they started the program, and some of them did retire after attending one session only which meant loss in money and efforts assigned to those participants.
Recommendations The program is too basic for managers level and applicable for Team Leaders level. Utilize the K-companies X-managers and leaders to support CLD to re-design and conduct the program Split the program into levels (basic and advance) Utilize the international companies with oil industry experience to conduct such program. Utilize other training methodologies to develop leadership skills such as rotation Programs
Recommendations (Cont.) LBS should use case studies ( marketing strategies, competitions, sales, etc.) that are based on real cases from oil & gas industry. Coaching sessions should be more frequent; based on one-to-one meeting for better and more fruitful results. Sessions to be more focused on oil & gas industry. Instructors ( if not from oil industry) should be familiarized with the subject both internationally and locally. Conduct pre-evaluation/tests to qualify level of participants & conduct another one after completing program.
Thank You