Poster presentation & CRITIQUE Danielle altares sarik phd, CPNP-PC, RN APRN council August 8th, 2017
Parts of a Poster: Background/Significance Background gives the reader context, but it is NOT the main point of your poster 3-4 main bullet points, with 2-3 sub-bullets Spell out any main acronyms at this point
Parts of a Poster: Purpose/Aims/Research Objective Numbering or bulleting is easy to read Should be taken directly from your abstract
Parts of a Poster: Study Design/Methods Describe what you did, and how you did it Give sample size, analysis data Any specifics that can show how you completed your work Time frame Protocols/Guidelines followed
Parts of Poster: Results This is where you should have the bulk of your material Use visuals (graphs, charts, etc.) when possible Numbers and headings large enough to read Explain the results of your charts with a note, listed under or beside the figure Indicate significance Summarize your research results with bullet points
Parts of a Poster: Conclusions What are the main take aways from your work? What did you learn? What do you want others to learn?
Parts of a Poster: Implications/Significance/Next Steps These are the policy or practice implications of your work Keep it short and sweet
Parts of a Poster: Acknowledgements You need to cite any Funding sources (grants, hospital support, training support, etc.) IRB approval
References: Take them or leave them While conference and specialty specific, the norm is NOT to include references on the board Take up space, are not the point of the work May have a note on board (References upon request), or have a list of references available
Photos Any patient picture can only be used with written permission, which must be acknowledged on the poster If you are reproducing a picture, figure, chart, etc., you must have permission from the author (“Used with permission”) High quality, high resolution photos only (300 dpi or more)
Results are clear, logical & complete Clear background & motivation for research Provides direction for future research and change Clear aims, hypothesis, and project goals Methods clearly explained & easy to follow Visually appealing – balanced text & graphics, logical flow, organized, and creative
Poster is balanced, visually appealing, organized, has a logical flow, and is creative Includes clear background & motivation for research Clear hypothesis and aims for research Completed, logical, clear, pertinent results Good example Provides direction for future research and nursing practice changes Method and Implementation clearly explained & east to follow
Too much text
Headings don’t fit, blocks of text
Problems with copy/paste. No proofing - text is garbled
Too small