The Hound of the Baskervilles NO SPOILERS IF YOU KNOW THE STORY!
Holmes is described as "the perfect hero for his age (time)," who, in real life or fiction, would you say is the perfect hero for our age? Why? Daily Journal 22 Sept 2016
Discuss Why do you think that Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous and most admired characters in literature?
Let’s discuss the reading using our roles. Discussion Director Summarizer Word Master Story Cartographer (Map maker) Connector Culture Collector
Who are the readers? Do Wilde and Doyle have the same audience? Explain your answer.
In a well-constructed detective story, nothing is wasted; each scene adds suspense and clues to the hunt for the perpetrator. What elements of mystery and suspense are already being used before we even meet Sherlock Holmes? Sherlock S2 Es – 00:00:00 – 00:01:00 Hound 2002 00:00:00 - 00:03:00
Juxtaposition Good versus Evil Rational versus Supernatural
Detectives are a staple of popular culture Detectives are a staple of popular culture. Make a list of other detectives you know. Discuss and write a description of what the “typical” detective is like. Think about what he/she says, does, looks, and how he/she acts. Sherlock 00:01:34 – 00:05:28 What characteristics are similar/different to that of the “new” Sherlock?
How does Sir Doyle create complex memorable characters How does Sir Doyle create complex memorable characters? Give at least four examples of such complexity from The Hound of the Baskervilles. Sherlock Holmes would examine a crime scene for clues and work backwards. How is this relevant today? In what ways did Doyle anticipate modern scientific "Crime Scene Investigation?"
Discussion “Dorian Gray” and “Hound” are both considered to be “gothic horror” novels. They were published just 11 years apart, 1890 and 1901, respectively. Consider the differences and similarities you can find in these two novels. Think about: Characters, setting, plot, antagonists, and the supernatural.
The moors in The Hound of the Baskervilles are so central to the plot that they could be considered as a character in the story. If you were to describe them the way you'd describe a human character, what would you say about them? Which human character in the story do they most resemble? How?
The Hound of the Baskervilles is marked by the constant juxtaposition of the rational and scientific with the irrational and supernatural. (For example, the film begins with rapid cuts between the "civilized" setting of a courtroom and chaotic and frightening scenes of the wild moors and an escaped convict.) Make two columns. Write "Rationalism, Civilization, Science" at the top of one, and at the top of the other write "Superstition, Wilderness, the Supernatural." Make a list of all the people, places, things, scenes, and ideas in that seem to fit in one category or another. On which side does the hound itself seem to belong? Which of the two forces triumphs at the end?
Discussion and class work The plot of The Hound of the Baskervilles forms a classic story that can be found in many other works of fiction: Someone new comes to stay in an isolated place with which legends and mysteries are associated. This person's life and/or sanity is threatened by increasingly frightening events until a perpetrator is caught. Brainstorm a list of other works that include this basic plot line. Why do you think this is such an enduring premise for a story?