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Anatomy Physiology Epidermis Glands Cells 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points
The component that connects to the skin and serves as a storage repository for fat.
What is the hypodermis?
Fingerprints are derived from patterns here.
What is the papillary layer?
These tiny muscles cause “goose-bumps” when we are cold or frightened.
What are arrector pili?
The tough protein that strengthens hair and nails.
What is keratin?
The layer of the dermis that contains blood vessels sweat and oil glands, involuntary muscles, hair follicles and nerve endings.
Reticular layer
Keratin and oils in the skin reduce water loss through evaporation and form a barrier against water infusion.
What is a water barrier?
Capillaries dilate to dissipate heat and constrict to conserve heat Capillaries dilate to dissipate heat and constrict to conserve heat. Sweat evaporation provides a cooling effect.
What is temperature regulation?
Sunlight converts modified cholesterol molecules to vitamin D, which is essential for bone health.
What is vitamin D production?
Urea and uric acid are eliminated in sweat.
What is waste elimination?
Receptor cells transmit information about touch, pressure, vibration, pain, and temperature to the central nervous system.
What is sensory preception?
The layer of somewhat flatten cells just superficial to stratum spinosum and inferior to the stratum lucidum.
What is the stratum granulosum?
The layer of the epidermis superior to stratum basale and inferior to stratum granulosum.
What is the stratum spinosum?
The innermost layer that absorbs nutrients from the dermis.
What is the stratum basale?
The layer of the epidermis that consists of dead cells filled with keratin.
What is the stratum corneum?
The clear layer of thick skin found on the palms of the hands, fingers, soles of the feet and toes.
What is the stratum lucidum?
The glands that empty directly into the skin.
What are eccrine glands?
Produces a substance called sebum.
What are sebaceous glands?
The unpleasant odor when a person sweats.
What is the chemical reaction caused by bacteria?
The two types of sudoriferous glands.
What are apocrine and eccrine glands?
A chemical waste product that includes urea, uric acid, and salts that protects against bacteria.
What is sweat?
The cells of the epidermis that function as touch receptors.
What are the Merkel cells?
The hypodermis is the location for these fat cells.
What are lipocytes?
These specialized cells responsible for skin color.
What are melanocytes?
Cells within the epidermis that produce keratin.
What are keratinocytes?
The cells in individuals with albinism do not produce melanin.
What are melanocytes?
Final Jeopardy Make your wager
Tough keratin protects against mechanical injury and chemical damage Tough keratin protects against mechanical injury and chemical damage. Melanocytes produce melanin to protect against UV ray damage.
What is protection?